The Indian culture might be very difficult to understand but once it is understood, it might be very interesting.

The movie “Bend It Like Beckham” is about an Indian girl called Jess who wants to play soccer but her parents strictly enforce her to behave like a proper woman and cook. “Bend It Like Beckham” has many internal and external conflicts, which are resolved by the end. To begin with, Jess wants to play soccer but her parents want her to behave like a proper woman and cook “Panbajii” her cultures food.In “Bend It Like Beckham” the entire movie her mom kept saying to Jess to learn how to cook “Panbajii” food because its part of her culture. For example, when Jess sister was getting married Jess helped her mom cook “Panbajii” food but Jess also had a game to go to. So she helped her mother cook instead of going to her game.

So Jess often lies and sneaks out of her house to go play soccer.Jess love for soccer causes internal conflicts due to the fact that she wants to play soccer but her parents don’t let her. Furthermore, Jess prefers to play soccer and chase her dreams instead of staying home to cook and getting married like her culture requires. Jess never liked when her mother gave her cooking lessons she thought it was boring she rather go play soccer for her soccer team.

For example, Jesse’s mother caught Jess playing soccer when she was suppose to be at her cousins house.Jesse’s mother gave Jess a punishment and it was to learn how to cook and clean the house. Jess goes to play for a women soccer team called Santa Clara a University in California and at the end she shows her parents how much she loves to play soccer and that she can make a career out of it. Jess passion for soccer causes external conflicts due to the fact that she rather go play soccer and chase her dreams instead of staying home to cook and get married like her culture requires.

In conclusion, Jesse’s internal conflict is that she wants to play soccer but her parents want her to behave like a proper woman. Jesses external conflict is that she prefers to play soccer and chase her dreams rather than stay home to cook and get married like her culture requires. Jess wants to play soccer but her parents do not approve her to play soccer they want her to cook and get married let her culture requires.So for Jess to be able to play soccer she has to lie and sneak out. Jess prefers to play soccer and chase her dreams rather than just stay home and cook.

At the end Jess taught her parents a lesson that she could play soccer and make a career out of it. Through out the movie, Jess never gave up she always fought for what she wanted. At the end she was able to prove to her parents that it is fine to play soccer because you can make a career out of it.