The America in years 1820’s to 1830’s had jealousy and competitions among American regions and American people per se, in which reformists and reformers considered this as one of the major challenges faced by the U.S. and American society in its entire history.

Reason behind this was the great economic expansion that is measured as a success during this era.  It has created problems and difficulties such as slavery and exploitation of the African-Americans in the Western and Southern regions.

They considered America both a freedom-loving and slave-holding society.  However, Black Americans demanded for equality and first-rate citizenship treatments as what those Caucasians has treated.  This formed two-sided judgments and principles among public.

The responds of those who are concerned were not being happened as expected if not for the initiative and active participation of the feminists and civil rights groups who were very vocal and vigilant for the changes in U.S. Democracy and true equality over rapid urbanization and modernization was constantly tackled and became the point of many debates among political opponents.

This resulted for an ending of the Federalist Party when the Republican Party won in 1825 having John Quincy Adams as the president and renamed the party as the National Republican Party.

However, Adam’s presidential term did not extend as he lose his re-election candidacy in 1829.  His opponent Andrew Jackson won the presidency because of the corruption rumor involving Adams who was accused of using government money.  On the other hand, said reform in American society was believably triumphant despite those challenges and hindrances.


1996. Outline of U.S. History. International Information Programs Website: http://usinfo. conflict.htm (accessed May 12, 2008)