At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:· Recognize and correctly use various parts of speech, in writing. (Grade 2, Written and Oral English Language Conventions, Grammar, 1.3)· Read aloud fluently and accurately and with proper intonation and expression. (Grade 2, Word Analysis Fluency and Systematic Vocabulary Development, Decoding and Word Recognition, 1.
6)· Follow two-step written instructions. (Grade 2, Reading Comprehension, Comprehension and Analysis of Grade Level Appropriate text, 2.8)Review prerequisites: Each student will be handed a picture of a person with a clearly distinctive emotion on their face. There will be 5 different pictures randomly handed out. The teacher will have the students write in marker on their pictures one word that they would use to describe the person.
The teacher will remind the students of the other parts of speech that have already been covered. The teacher will explain that for the rest of their life the students will be using adjectives all of the time. They are important to explain things that they see. That is why they are learning how to use them.Present new material: The teacher will then hold up a picture and have the students raise their hands if they had the same picture. Each student that had that picture will then say what their word was.
The teacher will tape the picture onto the board and below the picture; write what words the students came up with.The teacher will then explain that an adjective is a word that is used to describe things. The teacher will then have the students come up with more words to describe things in the classroom. The teacher will point at an object in the classroom and the students will yell out their ideas of words to describe it.The teacher will then explain that the reason they looked at people first is because they are going to do the same thing for themselves.
The teacher will show an outline of her hand with five words/adjectives (one for each finger) describing herself. With 5 sentences underneath it that say “A word that describes me is ______________.” The teacher will then explain that this is what the students have to do.Conduct learning probes: The teacher will ask if the students who knows what they are supposed to be doing for the assignment, and then have one of them re-explain the project to the class. The teacher will also handout a slip of paper that says what they are supposed to do.
Example:1. Trace your hand on the paper. Write one word to describe you on each finger.2. Write a sentence under your hand that says “A word that describes me is________________.”Provide Independent practice: The students will then work on their handprints of themselves.
The teacher will walk around and help students as well as make sure that they are doing what they are supposed to be doing.Assess performance and provide feedback: The teacher will have the students hold up what they have done so far on their handprint projects. If there is still confusion, the teacher will go through the example one step at a time until the students understand what is to be done.Provide distributed practice and review: The teacher will have the students do the same project for one of their family members. It does not matter who it is, as long as they do a handprint, 5 words and 5 sentences using their words.Materials:Paper for students to trace their hands ontoMarkers, crayons, colored pencils, etc.
for them to trace their hands with as well as coloring if they would like to after they are done with their hands, words and sentences.