100 words |Sl.

No. |Word |Meaning | | | | | |1. |Equivocal/Equivocate/Equivocation |Ambiguous, open to two interpretations | |2. |Tractable (Intractable) |Obedient, yielding | |3.

Placate (Implacable) |To soothe or pacify | |4. |Miser |Person who is extremely stingy | |5. |Engender |To produce, cause, bring out | |6. |Dogma(tic)(tism(tist) |Rigidly fixed in opinion, opinionated | |7. |Garrulous (Garrulity) |Very talkative | |8.

Homogeneous (Homogenize) |Composed of identical parts | |9. |Laconic |Using few words | |10. |Quiescence (Quiescent) |Inactivity, stillness | |11. |Anomalous |Irregular or deviating from the norm | |12.

|Venerate (ion) |To respect | |13. Assuage |To make less severe, ease, relieve | |14. |Misanthrope (-ic) |Person who hates human beings | |15. |Digress(ive) |To turn aside; to stray from the main point | |16.

|Corroborate (ion) |To confirm, verify | |17. |Buttress |To einforce or support | |18. |Antipathy |Dislike, hostility, extreme opposition or aversion | |19. |Disabuse |To free from error or misconception | |20.

|Feigned (Unfeigned) |Pretended | |21. |Banal(ity) |Trite and overly common | |22. Desiccate (ion) |To dry completely, dehydrate | |23. |Diatribe |Bitter verbal attack | |24.

|Pedant(ic)(ry) |Uninspired, boring academic | |25. |Guile(less) |Trickery, deception | |26. |Eulogy (-ize) |High praise, often in public | |27. Fawn(ing) |To flatter excessively, seek the favor of | |28.

|Aberrant/aberration |Different from the usual or normal | |29. |Heresy/Heretic(al) |An act opposed to established religious orthodoxy | |30. |Obdurate |Stubborn | |31. |Prevaricate(-ion) |To lie, evade the truth | |32. Embellish(ment) |To ornament; make attractive with decoration or details; add | | | |details to a statement | |33. |Pragmatic/Pragmatism |Practical, moved by facts rather than abstract ideals | |34.

|Precipitate |To cause to happen; to throw down from a height | |35. |Proximity |Nearness | |36. Profundity |Depth (usually depth of thought) | |37. |Adulterate |To corrupt or make impure | |38. |Sanction |Permission, support; law; penalty | |39. |Ameliorate (-ion) |To make better, improve | |40.

|Anachronism/Anachronistic |Something chronologically inapporapriate | |41. Vindictive |Spiteful, vengeful, unforgiving | |42. |Propitiate |To win over, appease | |43. |Aver |To declare to be true, affirm | |44. |Burgeon(-ing) |To sprout or flourish | |45. |Commensurate |Proportional | |46.

Mitigate/Mitigation |To soften, or make milder | |47. |Culpability |Guilt, responsibility for wrong | |48. |Specious(ness) |Having a false appearance of truth; showy | |49. |Turpitude |Inherent baseness, depravity | |50.

|Diffident/Diffidence |Shy, lacking confidence | |51. Repudiate |To reject as having no authority | |52. |Discrete |Individually distinct; consisting of unconnected elements | |53. |Obviate |To make unnecessary; to anticipate and prevent | |54. |Dissemble |To pretend, disguise one’s motives | |55.

|Implacable |Inflexible, incapable of being pleased | |56. Emulate |To copy, imitate | |57. |Complaisance/Complaisant |Disposition to please or comply | |58. |Enervate |To weaken, sap strength from | |59. |Latency |The condition of being present but hidden | |60. |Erudite (ition) |Learned, scholarly | |61.

Espouse |To support or advocate, to marry | |62. |Florid(ness) |Gaudy, extremely ornate, ruddy, flushed | |63. |Occlude |To shut, block | |64. |Harangue |A ranting writing or speech, lecture | |65. |Hieroglyph(ic) |Pictorial character | |66.

Iconoclast |One who attacks traditional beliefs | |67. |Impervious |Impossible to penetrate; incapable of being affected | |68. |Efficacy/Efficacious |Effectiveness, efficiency | |69. |Inchoate |Imperfectly formed or formulated | |70. |Loquacity/loquacious |Talkative | |71. Irascible (-ility) |Easily angered | |72.

|Ephemeral |Momentary, transient, fleeting | |73. |Laudable (-tory) |Deserving of praise | |74. |Insipid |Bland, lacking flavour; lacking excitement | |75. |Magnanimity/Magnanimous |Generosity | |76. Precarious(ly) |Uncertain | |77.

|Endemic |Belonging to a particular area; inherent | |78. |Mollify |To calm or make less severe | |79. |Rarefy/Rarefaction |To make thinner, purer, or more refined | |80. |Disinterest(ed)(edness) |Unbiased; not interested | |81. Foster |To nourish, cultivate, promote | |82. |Perennial |Present throughout the years; persistent | |83.

|Malevolent |Ill-willed; causing evil or harm to others | |84. |Defer(ence) |To show respect or politeness in a submissive way | |85. |Precursory(y) |Forerunner, predecessor | |86. Lucid |Clear and easily understood | |87.

|Probity |Honesty, high-mindedness | |88. |Abscond |To depart secretly and hide | |89. |Propensity |Inclination, tendency | |90. |Audacious |Bold, daring, fearless | |91. Wheedle |To influence or entice by flattery | |92. |Prudent |Careful, cautious | |93.

|Mundane |Worldly; commonplace | |94. |Diffuse |Widely spread out | |95. |Aggrandize |To make larger or greater in power | |96. Decimate |To reduce drastically; to destroy a large part of | |97. |Succinct |Terse, brief, concise | |98. |Enigma(tic) |A puzzle, something inexplicable | |99.

|Unfettered |Free, unrestrained | |100. |Ascetic |Self-denying, abstinent, austere |