Security is a prime concern in our day-today life. Everyone wants to be as much secure as possible. "Electrically Postcode lock design using Microelectronic" Is used In the places where we need more security. It can also use to secure lockers and other protective doors.
An access control for doors forms a vital link In a security chain. The microelectronic based digital lock for Doors Is an access control system that allows only authorized persons to access a restricted area. The system has a keypad by which the password can be entered through it.When the entered password equals tit the password stored in the memory then the door is opened.
If we entered a wrong password then the Access will be denied. An electronic lock or digital lock is a device which has an electronic control assembly attached to It. They are provided with an access control system. It allows activation of an electric appliance only by entering the correct password, This is also such an electronic locking system In which PACIFISTIC microelectronic plays the role of the central processing unit.
The system Is fully controlled by the 8 bit microelectronic hat has a Sybase of ROOM for the program memory. The password is stored in the PROM so that we can change it at any time. The microelectronic is interfaced with matrix keypad and a 16*2 LCD to form the user interface. The job of the microelectronic in this project is to receive signals from the input device (keypad) and take corresponding actions.
On the LCD display a command that says "press *" will be displayed to request user to enter the password after that, whenever any key is pressed on the keypad, the software program in the microelectronic identifies the reseed key and accordingly turns on or turns off the appliance on entering a four digit password set by the user and displays message "Door open" on LCD screen for 2 seconds followed by the microelectronic send to the Darlington transistor to open the door using the stepper motor connected to It.If the entered password Is not correct then the message "Wrong password" should be displayed on LCD screen for 2 seconds and followed by the message "Press to enter the correct password again. The user can also change the password by using corresponding key. 2 Objective . 1 General objective The General objective of our project: 0 using this circuit any electrical appliance can be made as password protected.
Used to secure doors and lockers increase security of our materials. 2. 2 Specific objective The specific objective of our project Is that to design and Implement an electronic postcode lock that will be used for home security. An electrically actuated door lock. It can be used in areas more security level is required. 3 Scope of the project Our project will be focuses on the design and implementation of electronic postcode sock designed for home security.