For each of the following problem statements, Identify the four primary components. Remember that professional problem statements are not always so cut and dry. (1) The use of sexuality as a marketing tool has become a commonplace in the world of advertising.

In the past few years, however, some companies have used sexually- oriented ads to generate controversy (and therefore sales) by pushing the limits of acceptable taste. Calvin Klein, for instance, recently ran a series of magazine ads treating a nearly nude Kate Moss in positions that suggest bestiality, masturbation, and violence.If we care at all about the kinds of sexual messages being presented to our children, then ads Like this one are simply unacceptable. It is the responsibility of the U. S.

Government to create a new agency whose role It will be to monitor the use of sexual content In magazine advertisements. (2) Most contemporary literary critics agree that William Shakespeare' designates an actual person who lived from 1564-1616 in England. Recent evidence, however, suggests that 'Shakespeare' was actually a name used by various Renaissance writers who wanted to remain anonymous.If this is the case, then nearly four hundred years of Shakespeare criticism will have to be re-evaluated, if not totally dismissed.

The present essay will argue that there are indeed good reasons for believing that William Shakespeare' never existed, thus requiring a fundamental paradigm shift in our understanding of Shakespearean hegemony In Renaissance literature. 3) The familiar debate among philosophers of mind over the Identity of brain states and mental states has been given a new twist by Frank Jackson.Jackson argues that there exist certain phenomenal quail-?qualities of experience-?that do not ever simply correspond to an existing brain state. His argument is not easily dismissed by identity theorists, for Jackson's position is not open to the traditional objections against mind-body dualism.

It appears, in fact, that identity theorists don't currently eave any cogent objections to the argument-from-quail that Jackson presents, and that there are not likely to be any forthcoming. 4) The recent resurgence of critical Interest In Christina Rosette's "Goblin Market" has done little to give us a definitive Interpretation of the poem. "Goblin Market" has been read as a straightforward Christian allegory, a celebration of lesbian sexuality, a critique of Victorian consumer capitalism, a feminist manifesto, and even as a these interpretations attempts to give us insight into the meaning of the poem's allegorical machinery, and each claims success.However, no analysis proffered thus far seems able to deal convincingly with the most important aspect of Laurel's redemption: the fiery antidote' that restores her to well being.

How precisely does the antidote work? Why is the goblin fruit poisonous at one time and restorative at another? These are the questions on which any coherent interpretation of the poem must turn, and in the present essay I contend that no allegorical reading of "Goblin Market" has yet been successful in answering them.