Most reviewers will be able to determine if sufficient funds are Ewing requested to successfully complete and project, and that those costs are reasonable given the scope of work.
While the degree of specificity of any budget will vary upon the nature of the project and the requirements of the funding source, a complete, well thought out budget increases the likelihood of the proposal being funded. The proposed budget must give an accurate assessment of all cost items and cost amounts. A well prepared budget should be reasonable and demonstrate that the funds being asked for will be used wisely.Before the budget is put into final form, it should be reviewed for A budget is the key element of many project proposals.
The budget should be complete; it should include all costs of any personnel, supplies, and activities required by the project. The project needs to be feasible within the budget presented. If major cost areas are omitted or underestimated, the project, as proposed, will not be considered feasible. The budget should also be reasonable; it should be based upon actual costs when possible.Reviewers are often familiar with sots that are common to many projects, such as computers, special equipment, travel, and postage. All itemized costs should be based upon available price information.
If we are going to be successful in writing proposal to fund projects, we must first establish credibility with the prospective funding foundation. There are several formats in writing a proposal. Formats are nothing more than consistency in the way information is presented. In itemized budget, the flow and internal consistency are important factors in project proposals.
Therefore, we need to be sure hat facts and figures in one section of the proposal are consistent with what we present in other sections. Check and recheck the facts and figures in the proposal to ensure consistency among different sections. Incorrect information, outdated statistics, or irrelevant research will undermine the credibility. An effective proposal budget outlines a proposed project in fiscal terms and helps reviewers to determine how the project will be conducted. Itemized budget usually reveal whether a proposed project has been carefully planned and ultimately be feasible.