Nowadays, in Indonesia, the popular brand Is from Korea because of the famous Korean singers hit the entertainment world. The SOOT analysis of Amiability Is: Strength: * Amiability's parent company is Lordal. Amiability has top research and development team from the parent company. * Amiability successfully create an Image of stylish, hip, charming, and Intelligent In the mind of the customers.

* Amiability has strong market penetration and brand loyalty. Amiability use a strategic market penetration to increase the growth of the company, increase the sales, and also increase the loyalty of the customers about the brand.Adapt to the specific country market. Some products are same globally and other products are adapted based on the people preferences in their countries. Weakness: Animal testers.

As we know, many people nowadays fight against testing products on animals. Therefore, it makes many people don't use Amiability as their cosmetic. Opportunities: * There is existence of some gaps In the market. Many middle-low class people can't buy high-end brand or expensive cosmetic.

Therefore, Amiability can fit in the gaps and sell the products to the middle-low class people. Amiability has an opportunity to extend the product line because many people nowadays Like to try new range of cosmetic products. Threats: * Substitution products. There are many new cosmetic brands who offer customers similar products with higher quality with similar price. * High technology of competitors' factories.

* The economic crisis that hit some countries in the world affect people's buying decision. We can see that Amiability is a very popular cosmetic brand and it is very affordable because the price in general isn't expensive in the eyes of people from middle-low lass.It makes Amiability a worldwide brand and it is a successful brand that has overcome many problems in the past and now It Is leading the cosmetic market. In Indonesia, Amiability is a popular drugstore brand too. The chemical and 1 OFF are sold in some drugstores around the world.

Moreover, in Indonesia we can easily find this cosmetic product because it is also sold in many supermarkets, like: Careful, Giant, Hypermarket, etc. Although Amiability successfully sell the products and become one of famous worldwide cosmetic brand, there is a main threat that an impact to Amiability sales.Nowadays, there are many cosmetic brands who offer higher quality products than Amiability, but with similar price; for example: Revolt, Wet and Wild, and Max Factor. In Indonesia, we can easily find Revolt cosmetics and in some places, they also sell Max Factor cosmetics. The main competitor of Amiability is Revolt.

Revolt offers higher quality products and suitable for females age 20 - 50. Revolt also offers wider range of products than Amiability. The types of cosmetic product that Revolt offers are wider than Amiability. Revolt can also be mound easily in the drugstore and supermarket in Indonesia.Beside Revolt, Amiability has to face another competitor such as Max Factor and Wet and Wild. Max Factor ranges of product are quite same with Amiability.

However, with the similar price, Max Factor has high quality of products compared to Amiability products. For example: Max Factor foundation (cosmetic to cover your face as a base before applying powder) has higher quality than Amiability because it lasts long up to 8 hours, while Amiability foundation only lasts for 4-5 hours. In United States of America, Amiability compete with Wet and Wild cosmetic brand.Wet and Wild offers products with slightly cheaper price than Amiability, but the quality of the products are similar to Amiability. Moreover, the color range of Wet and Wild cosmetic are wider than Amiability.

For example: Wet and Wild lipstick available in many shades or colors, compared to Amiability lipstick. People always look for products which are very beneficial for them. There are many substitute products in the market, so it is quite hard for a specific brand or company to keep up a good pace, maintain the rand's image and the sales of the products, as well as keep and increase loyal customers to keep coming and buying the products.Therefore, if Amiability wants to maintain the good sales and keep the customers happy, the company has to find good solutions that are beneficial to help the company become the leader brand of cosmetic market, such as: * Enhance the products. Amiability should produces wider range of cosmetic products with good packaging that is very attractive for customers (better style of the packaging).

* Increase the availability of the products and find new distribution channel. Some of Amiability products in USA aren't available in Indonesia.The new kind of product usually enters Indonesia several months after it launches in USA. Therefore, good distribution channel will make the new products can enter Indonesia faster. * We know that economic crisis affect people's buying behavior, so Amiability can try to lower the price but maintain the same quality.

It is very effective to against competitors too. To conclude, Amiability is a cosmetic brand that offers good cosmetic products with affordable price worldwide. However, there are some problems that threat Amiability, so Amiability must find solution to prevent or stop the problem.