Chapter 1 Reviewing the Basics 7/25/12 – Tara Campbell 1. Which Microsoft Office operating system was the first to use all 32-bit processing? a. Windows NT 2. What are the hardware requirements to use Vista Aero user interface? b. 1 GB of RAM and a video card or on-board video that supports the DirectX 9 graphics standard and has at least 128 MB of graphics memory. 3. What is the application mentioned in the chapter that creates a virtual machine on a computer? c. VM Ware Fusion 4. List 4 major functions of an OS. d.

An operating system manages hardware, runs applications, provides an interface for users, and stores, retrieves, and manipulates files. 5. What is the next Microsoft operating system for desktop computers to be released in 2010? e. There was not a PC system released in 2010 by Microsoft. Microsoft has their hands full with Windows 7. Its life span will most likely be the length of Windows XP. 6. The Windows shell operates in _____ mode and the kernel operates in _____ mode. f. User, Kernel 7. How many bits does a x86- based operating system process at one time? . 64 bits 8. What term does Intel use to describe a processor technology that uses all 64-bit processing? h. IA64 9. What term does AMD use to describe the processor technology processor that uses a 64-bit instruction set with 32-bit internal core processing? i. AMD64 10. In question 9 above, what term does Intel use to describe the same technology? j. IA64 11. Which Windows XP operating system is a 64-bit OS? k. Windows XP x64 Edition 12. Which edition of Vista comes packaged with a 32-bit DVD as well as a 64-bit DVD? l. The Ultimate Edition 13.

What is the memory limitation for a 32-bit operating system? m. Up to 4 gigs 14. On the Vista Start menu, where might you expect to be able to access user files? n. Entries in the black column on the right side of the menu give access to user files. 15. How can you add the sidebar to the Vista desktop? o. Go to the control panel to have it added. 16. When is the Vista flip 3D view available to Vista? p. When aero is enabled. 17. What is the keyboard shortcut to the flip 3D view? q. Win+Tab 18. The taskbar notification are includes icons for currently running services.

What is another term for this area? r. The system tray 19. What part of a filename does Windows use to know which application to open to manage the file? s. The file extension. 20. When does a user need to enter a password into the UAC box in order to continue? t. Each time a user attempts to perform an action that can be done only with administrative privileges. 21. What extension is used to name a compressed folder? u. .zip, . rar, or . cab 22. What is the path and folder name to the desktop folder for the user Jane when Windows Vista is installed on drive C? v. C:UsersJane 23.

List five file attributes. Which attribute applies only to Vista? w. hidden file (H), read-only(R), archive file (A), index file (which is only in vista), System file (s) 24. How do you access the Properties box for a file to change an attribute? x. Right-click the file and select Properties. 25. What is the program name for the System Information utility? y. Msinfo32. exe ______________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 2 Reviewing the Basics 7/25/12 – Tara Campbell 1. Name five job roles that can all be categorized as a PC technician? a.

PC Support Technician, PC Service Technician, Bench Service Technician, Help-Desk Technician, and PC Laptop Repair Technician. 2. Of the five jobs in Question 1, which one job might never include interacting with the PC’s primary user? b. Bench Service Technician 3. Assume that you are a customer who wants to have a PC repaired. List five main characteristics that you would like to see in your PC repair person. c. Knowledgeable, experienced, courteous, good listener and patient. 4. What is one thing you should do when you receive a phone call requesting on-site support, before you make an appointment? . Get as much information from the customer, as possible, in order to research the problem and find possible solutions. 5. You make an appointment to do an on-site repair, but you are detained and find out that you will be late. What is the best thing to do? e. Contact the customer and explain the situation. Give them the option of you coming late or rescheduling. 6. When you arrive for an on-site service call, how important is your greeting? What would be a good greeting to start off a good business relationship? f. Very important. “Hello, I am Tara Campbell. I am here to service your computer.

How are you doing today? 7. When making an on-site service call what should you do before making any changes to software or before taking the case cover off a computer? g. First have the customer power up the PC themselves, ask if they have a current back-up of their files, and ask permission to remove the cover. 8. What should you do after finishing your PC repair? h. Allow the customer enough time to be fully satisfied that all is working before you close the call. Review the service call with the customer. Summarize the instructions and explanations you have given during the call.

This is an appropriate time to fill out your paperwork and explain to the customer what you have written. 9. What is a good strategy to follow if a conflict arises between you and your customer? i. Give the customer some time to vent and apologize when you can. Then start the conversation from the beginning, asking questions and taking notes, and solving problems. The customer is only upset because their computer is not functioning properly. Remember the reason you are there is to help and fix the problem. 10. If you are about to make an on-site service call to a arge financial organization, is it appropriate to show up in shorts and a t-shirt? Why or why not? j. No. Because you want to always appear in a professional manner. 11. You have exhausted your knowledge of a problem and it still is not solved. Before you escalate it, what else can you do? k. Let the customer know that you can’t solve the problem, and that you are passing the problem on to another technician who has more experienced or has access to more extensive resources. 12. If you need to make a phone call while on a customer’s site and your cell phone is not working, what do you do? . Ask the customer for permission to use their phone. 13. When someone calls your help desk, what is the first thing you should do? m. Identify yourself and your organization. 14. List the items of information you would want to record at the beginning of a help-desk call. n. The name and phone number of the caller. A licensing or warranty number to determine whether the customer is entitled to receive your support. A description of the problem. 15. What is one thing you can do to help a caller who needs phone support and is not a competent computer user? o. Have patience. 16.

Describe what you should do when a customer complains to you about a product or service that your company provides? p. Listen and apologize. As the customer is telling you their problem, be sure to continually reassure them you're listening and taking it all in and your main aim is to resolve the problem. The customer needs to know you're on their side. Do not be defensive. No matter how the customer might sound, or how unreasonable, or how angry, always let them know they have a right to complain, that you're listening, and that your job is to fix things for them. 17. What are some things you can do to make your work at a help desk easier? . Take notes, speak methodically, have access to the internet on a computer, and have reference materials handy. 18. Why is important to be a certified technician? r. By having certification or an advanced technical degree, you prove to yourself, your customers, and your employers that you are prepared to do the work and are committed to being educated in your chosen profession. Certification and advanced degrees serve as recognized proof of competence and achievement, improve your job opportunities, create a higher level of customer confidence, and often qualify you for other training or degrees. 9. When applying for a position as a help-desk technician, you discover the job interview will happen by telephone. Why do you think the employer has chosen this method for the interview? s. To see if you handle yourself in a professional manner on the phone, among other phone skills. 20. What organization offers A+ Certification? t. CompTIA ______________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 3 Reviewing the Basics 7/25/12 – Tara Campbell 1. What is the least expensive edition of Vista that can use Aero user interface? a. Vista Home Premium . Which three editions of Vista allow you to join a domain on a network? b. Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate. 3. Are there any editions of Vista that do not include the Network and Sharing Center? c. No. 4. Which edition of Windows XP supports 64-bit applications? d. Windows XP Professional x64 Edition 5. Which was the first Windows OS to come with Internet Explorer embedded in the OS? e. Windows XP 6. What is the maximum amount of RAM that 32-bit Vista Ultimate can address? f. 4GB 7. What is the maximum amount of RAM that 64-bit Vista Home Premium can address? g. 16 GB 8.

Can you perform an upgrade installation of Windows XP Professional to Windows Vista Home Premium? h. No. A clean install is necessary. 9. Can you use the upgrade DVD of Windows Vista Home Premium to perform a clean install on a PC that already has Windows XP Professional installed? i. No. 10. What is the minimum amount of RAM needed to install Windows Vista? j. The minimum amount of RAM for each version of Windows Vista is 512 MB. However, Microsoft recommends at least 1 GB of RAM for Windows Vista Home Premium, Business, and Ultimate. 11. How much space on the hard drive does it take to install Windows Vista? k. At least 15GB 2. If you are trying to set up a dual boot between Windows XP and Windows Vista, which OS do you install first? l. Windows XP 13. How do you start the process to reinstall an OS on a laptop computer using the backup files stored on a recovery partition? m. To access the utilities on the hidden partition, press the F8 key during startup. The key to press is displayed on the screen early in the boot before OS is loaded. If you don't see message, search the web site of the computer manufacturer to find a key combination. 14. What are examples of two applications that can create virtual machines? n. VMware and Windows Virtual PC