Introduction An experiment was done to determine the allele frequencies for a gene in a model population and to describe the affect of natural selection on this population. The Hardy-Weinburg theorem states that the gene pool of a non-evolving population remains constant over generation but the natural effect of Hardy-Weinburg’s equilibrium by selecting the individuals who are most fit for the environment, and allowing them to reproduce more of the genotype that is allowing them to survive. The equation for Hardy-Weinburg equilibrium uses the letter p to represent the frequency of one allele q for the other allele.The sum of both allele add up to one or one hundred percent for that population.

To calculate the frequency we use There are five conditions in order satisfy the Hardy-Weinburg’s equilibrium. These are, mutation, gene flow, genetic drift, non-random mating and selecting. Evolution does not occur in individuals, it occurs in a population. Charles Darwin theory of natural selection states that natural selection acts to preserve and accumulate minor advantage to any trait that helps them to Bette suited for survivals.

The purpose of this is to help us understand better about Evolution and Mother Nature also the relationship between evolution and changes in allele frequency using a sample population. The null hypothesis for this experiment is that the flashier the male are more attractive they will become to the female and predators. This will lead to the decrease of population and changes in the population. The frequency for the color fishes will decrease as time passes. Methods For this particular experiment we had two different lab tests.

For the first part of the experiment it was necessary to use a computer and log on the http://www. pbs. org/wgbh. evolution/educators/lessons/lesson4/act2. html and lunch the Sec and the Single Guppy web activity.

Running the simulation on the web site and selecting “I’m ready to find out” will start the experiment. Choosing the causes guppy color variation will give detail information’s on the guppy environments. For the second part of the experiment, we had hundred red and white beads. We placed the beads in a large container and mixed the beads. We than labeled (FF) (Ff) and (ff) in hree different containers. (FF) represents the dominant homozygous, (Ff) is a heterozygous and (ff) that having no fur.

The experiment simulation took in the absence of heat. Bunnies with the (ff) will not make it through the winter. Results For the first part of the experiment, brighter the color of male guppy is more likely its predator will notice the male guppy. The number of the male drab guppies will increase over generation because their ability of camouflage will help them to survive from the predators.

Since Reproduction is also part of this population, it also plays a big role.Since the Female guppies are attractive to the Bright male guppies, few guppies will also be bright and keep the repetition even though population of bright guppies will be very low. (a) This graph shows the starting point for the guppy experiment where we have equal number of male population and predators (30 rivulus, 30 acara, and 30 cichild). (b) This graph shows the final generation for the guppy experiment where we have least amount of bright and the highest number of Drabbest number of male population and predators (30 rivulus, 30 acara, and 30 cichild).During the second part of the experiment using the beads, we have seen the furless bunnies have extinct by the ninth generation.

GenerationNumber of FFNumber of FfNumber of ffNumber of F allelesNumber of f allelesTotal Number of allelesGene Frequency of F (p)Gene Frequency of f (q) Original Population1001002000. 50. 5 12648261001002000. 50. 5 23431999491480. 670.

33 339224100301300. 770. 23 442163100221220. 820. 18 53815291191100. 830.

17 64844100121120. 890. 11 7484010041040. 960.

04 8500210041040. 960. 04 95000100010010As the number of generation increases we see that number of furless became extinct. The Dominant Homozygous (FF) with the fur has survived.

The Frequency was derived from Hardy-Weinburg’s equilibrium equation. Discussion This experiment on evolutionary agents was done to help us understand that nature chooses the best fit to survive in a given habitat that is affected by different agents. These agents could be the climate, hungry predators that need to gain energy, or even humans whom in trying be productive in order to survive disrupt the ecosystems or niches of varies organism.In this case the lab is on predation and from my results we can see how predators act as evolutionary agents.

Since the guppies had a verity of colors such as brightest bright, drab and drabbest there was equal amount chance for its survival but since the female are attractive to the Bright color male, they will produce more. In this experiment of natural selection, brighter the male guppy is more likely he will be seen and eaten by the predators. Over the generations male guppies population became drabbest as shown in the graph above.The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, it is a principle that demonstrates how heredity cannot produce changes in the allele frequencies. Based on the results one can see that if no predator or no natural selection would have affected the population and it was allowed to reproduce, the allele frequencies would be the same. In this case the predator affects the equilibrium and cause the population to evolve because it changes the relative gene frequencies when the cold takes away the life of furless bunnies.

These results are very important in helping us understand that living organisms have been are being evolved. Engelhart, Katie (2010) shows this concept of natural selection to be effected even in humans. Engelhart states, “A separate study by Open University's Daniel Nettle found that shorter women are more likely to be in long-term, offspring-producing relationships -- perhaps, he hypothesized, because men evolved to disfavor tall women, who tend to reach puberty later. ” Engelhart is sharing with us one of the possible affects that natural selection is having humans as you read this.

She is telling us that nature is choosing shorter women than taller ones, which in the future because of man reproducing more with shorter women we will see less women who will develop the trait to allow them to be tall. One of the evolutionary agents here I would say would be the society and the concept image. If men were seen in society with women that are taller than them they would be look upon as inferior. Reference ?Engelhart, Katie. "Natural selection is still at work.

" Maclean's 123. 10 (2010): 42. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 25 Mar.

2010. www. ebscohost. com