Abstraction: This term paper is about BHEL and TATA Steel.
In this term paper we will discourse about the companies dividend, stocks and many other things.
1. ) Introduction
1.1 ) BHEL
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited ( BHEL ) is the largest technology and fabrication endeavor in India in the energy-related and substructure sector which includes Power, Railways, Telecom, Transmission and Distribution, Oil and Gas sectors and many more. BHEL was established more than 50 old ages ago, showing in the autochthonal Heavy Electrical Equipment industry in India. The company has been gaining net incomes continuously since 1971-72 and paying dividends since 1976-77.The international rivals of BHEL are General Electric, Siemens, Alstom and ABB. BHEL offers a broad spectrum of equipment, systems and services in the field of power, transmittal, industry, transit, oil & A ; gas, non-conventional energy beginnings and telecommunication. Power sector constitutes over half of its entire concern. The company has 14 fabrication divisions, 8 service Centres and 4 power sector regional Centres. Its first works was set up at Bhopal in 1956 under proficient coaction with AEI, UK followed by three more major workss at Hardwar, Hyderabad and Tiruchirapalli with Russian and Czechoslovak aid.
Tata Steel ( BSE: 500470 ) , once known as TISCO and Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited, is the universe 's 6th largest steel company, with an one-year petroleum steel capacity of 31 million metric tons. It is the largest private sector steel company in India in footings of domestic production. Ranked 258th on Fortune Global 500, it is based in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India. It is portion of Tata Group of companies. Tata Steel is besides India 's second-largest and second-most profitable company in private sector with amalgamate grosss of Rs 1,32,110 crore and net net income of over Rs 12,350 crore during the twelvemonth ended March 31, 2008.Its chief works is located in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, with its recent acquisitions, the company has become a transnational with operations in assorted states.The Jamshedpur works contains the DCS supplied by Honeywell.The registered office of Tata Steel is in Mumbai. The company was besides recognized as the universe 's best steel manufacturer by World Steel Dynamicss in 2005. The company is listed on Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange of India, and employs approximately 82,700 people ( as of 2007 ) .
2. ) History
1 ) BHEL
BHEL was founded in 1950s. Its operations are organised around three concern sectors: Power, Industry - including Transmission, Transportation, Telecommunication & A ; Renewable Energy - and Overseas Business. Today, BHEL has a wide-spread web consisting 14 fabrication divisions, 8 service Centres, 4 power sector regional Centres, 18 regional offices, and a big figure of undertaking sites spread all over India and abroad. BHEL is one of the largest exporters of technology merchandises & A ; services from India. BHEL has established its mentions in around 60 states of the universe, runing from the United States in the West to New Zealand in the Far East. Its export scope include: single merchandises to finish power Stationss, prison guard contracts for power workss, EPC contracts, HV/EHV Sub-stations, O & A ; M services for familiar engineerings, specialized after-market services like Residual Life Assessment ( RLA ) surveies and retrofitting, renovating & A ; overhauling, and supplies to makers & A ; EPC contractors.2.2 ) TATA STEEL
Tata Steel was established by Indian Parsi man of affairs Jamshetji Nusserwanji Tata in 1907 ( he died in 1904, before the undertaking was completed ) . Tata Steel introduced an 8-hour work twenty-four hours every bit early as in 1912 when merely a 12-hour work twenty-four hours was the legal demand in Britain. It introduced leave-with-pay in 1920, a pattern that became lawfully adhering upon employers in India merely in 1945. Similarly, Tata Steel started a Provident Fund for its employees every bit early as in 1920, which became a jurisprudence for all employers under the Provident Fund Act merely in 1952. Tata Steel 's furnaces have ne'er been disrupted on history of a labor work stoppage and this is an enviable record3.
) Dividend
Dividends are payments made by a corporation to its stockholder members. It is the part of corporate net incomes paid out to shareholders. When a corporation earns a net income or excess, that money can be put to two utilizations: it can either be re-invested in the concern ( called retained net incomes ) , or it can be paid to the stockholders as a dividend. Many corporations retain a part of their net incomes and pay the balance as a dividend.For a joint stock company, a dividend is allocated as a fixed sum per portion. Therefore, a stockholder receives a dividend in proportion to their shareholding.For the joint stock company, paying dividends is non an disbursal ; instead, it is the division of an plus among stockholders. Public companies normally pay dividends on a fixed agenda, but may declare a dividend at any clip, sometimes called a particular dividend to separate it from a regular one.
4. ) Stock Monetary value
The stock or capital stock of a concern entity represents the original capital paid or invested into the concern by its laminitiss.It serves as a security for the creditors of a concern since it can non be withdrawn to the hurt of the creditors. Stock is distinguishable from the belongings and the assets of a concern which may fluctuate in measure and value. The stock of a concern is divided into portions,the sum of which must be stated at the clip of concern formation. Given the entire sum of money invested into the concern, a portion has a certain declared face value, normally known as the par value of a portion. In economic sciences and fiscal theory, analysts use random walk techniques to pattern behaviour of plus monetary values, in peculiar portion monetary values on stock markets, currency exchange rates and trade good monetary values.
This pattern has its footing in the given that investors act rationally and without prejudice, and that at any minute they estimate the value of an plus based on future outlooks. Under these conditions, all bing information affects the monetary value, which changes merely when new information comes out. By definition, new information appears indiscriminately and influences the plus monetary value indiscriminately.
- hypertext transfer protocol: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Share_price
- hypertext transfer protocol: //www.tatasteel.com/investorrelations/100-Annualreport.pdf
- hypertext transfer protocol: //www.bhel.com/images/pdf/Annual_Report_2006-07.pdf
- hypertext transfer protocol: //www.bhel.com/images/pdf/Annual_Report_2005-06.pdf
- hypertext transfer protocol: //www.bhel.com/images/pdf/Annual_Report_2004-05.pdf
- hypertext transfer protocol: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dividend