in what ways did Buddhism spread
through trade
what is nirvana
relief from selfishness and pain
what group of people established the caste system
what is the torah
the first 5 books of the Hebrew bible
name one way Hinduism and Buddhism are similar and different
they both believe in a reincarnation but Hinduism is not founded by any particular prophet, and Buddhism was founded by Buddha
what is a covenant in the Hebrew tradition
an agreement with god
why did the hittites have an advantage over their enemies in making war
they mastered iron working
where is Anatolia in modern times, who settled there
in turkey, the hittites
what are varna, and what did the word originally mean
4 major groups in caste system, originally meant skin color
what is moksha, and how is it achieved
its rebirth and achieved by karma
what is ethical monotheism
the right conduct and worship of one god
what are the 10 commandments, what did they become the basis of
gods laws handed down to Moses in bases of civil and religious laws of Judaism
who is Moses and what did he do
the adopted son of a princess and he let the Hebrews out of Egypt
why did the Hebrews believe that god protected them
anybody that obeyed gods laws would be protected and rewarded
what did the Hittites take from the Babylonian civilization they conquered
they took the Babylonian language from international use
Israel's king Solomon is best known for three things, what are they
constructing a great temple, wisdom, and building a trading empire
what languages derived from the Indo-European language
English, german, Spanish, Persian, and sandskrit
what is karma, and how does it relate to hinduism
good/bad deeds in this life that will affect future lives
what is reincarnation, and how does it relate to Hinduism
being born again and again as another living thing and do it to achieve moksha
according to the torah, what did the first covenant between god and the Hebrews state
god would bless Abraham and his descendants and they would be faithful
who was brahman, vishnu, and shiva
brahman: creator Vishnu: protector shiva: destroyer
what was Buddhas name before achieving enlightment
Siddhartha guadima
what are the four noble truths
life is full of suffering , suffering causes attachment, end suffering by ending desire, end desire by the eight fold path
what is monotheism
belief in one god
who built a temple in Jerusalem that was destroyed and later rebuilt
king solomon
why did isreal pay tribute to the assyrians
prevent an attack on isreal
a group of seminomadic people who began to migrate from what is now southern Russia to the indian subcontinent, europe
the act of moving from one place to settle in another
the most impure because of their work, butcher, gravediggers
the southwestern Asian peninsula now occupies b the Asian part or turkey called asia minor
4 collections of sacred writings produced by the Aryans during an early stage of their settlement in india
Indo-European people who settled in Anatolia around 200 bc
a great indian epic poem, reflecting the struggles of the Aryans as they moved south into india
Indo-European people who began to migrate into the Indian subcontinent
dry grass covered plains
a member of the Aryan society, social class, made up of priests