The MudWing dragonet of destiny, Cattail's son
The SeaWing dragonet of destiny, Queen Coral's daughter
The "useless" RainWing dragonet of destiny who was never supposed to exist, because the SkyWing died. Becomes Queen of RainWings, tries to make her tribe a proper one
The NightWing dragonet of destiny, son of Mastermind
The SandWing dragonet of destiny, deformed, a half breed, daughter of Thorn and Stonemover
The grumpy SkyWing guardian of the dragonets of destiny, mother of Peril, killed by Morrowseer and Blister
The nice(ish) SeaWing guardian of the dragonets of destiny, the only guardian who lives
The war torn SandWing guardian of the dragonets of destiny, missing a leg and has a torn wing, killed by Queen Scarlet
Queen Scarlet
Queen of the SkyWings, kills Dune and takes the dragonets captive, is nearly killed by Glory.

Main antagonist in Books 6, 7, and 8.

Queen Scarlet's arena champion, falls in love with Clay, ends up saving him and his friends from a gory death, and is the main character in Book 8.
The pompous old NightWing who told the dragonet prophecy, ends up being evil, for a good cause, kills Kestrel, and is killed by a volcano. Is Moonwatcher's father.
Morrowseer's mate or wife, she is the mother of Moonwatcher.

A SandWings princess, she uses her brain to get out of things, started the war and stole the treasure, killed by the Eye of Onyx
A SandWing princess, she enjoys fighting, and uses the war for fun, killed by a Dragonbite viper
A SandWing princess, beautiful and vain, she isn't suspicious, and doesn't like doing things for herself, TERRIBLE at fighting. The only princess who survives
Queen Coral
Tsunami's mother, queen of the SeaWings, she has only one more daughter as her dragonets have been killed off by an enchanted statue
Tsunami's only surviving sister, besides the latter Auklet, she has animus powers
Queen Coral's first daughter, a secret animus. At 7, she tried to become Queen, but was accidentally killed by her mother. Enchanted a statue to kill off royal eggs
Glory's halfwit brother
A regal old queen, who forfeits her turn during the queen contest and allows Glory to become the new queen, Glory's Great-Aunt or great grandmother.
A 3 year old dragonet who was taken captive by the NightWings, escapes with Glory, is shot by Grandeur's poison, adores Glory
Queen Battlewinner
The NightWing queen, she was shot in the mouth with IceWing death breath, lives in lava
Battlewinner's daughter, negotiates a deal with Glory
The alternate NightWing dragonet of destiny, makes up random visions and believes them, is in love with Starflight
Starflight's father, has been abducting RainWings and testing on them, for SCIENCE
A NightWing assassin, saves Glory from the NightWings, falls in love with her
Is leader of the OutClaws, Sunny's mother, and becomes the queen of the SandWings
Burn's brother, has a pet scavenger named Flower
One of Thorn's most loyal friends and soldiers
Smoulder's pet scavenger
Glory's pet sloth
A young Nightwing dragonet, she was hatched in the rainforest to keep her safe.

She is one of the only Nightwings to have powers, due to the fact she was born under two full moons. Daughter of Morrowseer and Secretkeeper.

The supposedly evil animus Nightwing, who also had powers. He placed his powers on a scroll to avoid being evil. Was hatched under three full moons.

His only companion is Moon.

Part of the Jade Winglet, Moon's friend and groupmate, he runs away, after his sister, who works for queen Scarlet. Has a pet scavenger named Bandit.
One of Thorn's former guards and troops, is at the Jade Mountain school, with Moon and the gang.
A strange Seawing prince, he discovered Skyfire is the ocean, which he gives to each member of the Jade Winglet, so that Moon doesnt accidentally listen in on their thoughts. He is an animus
The Mudwing of the Jade Winglet, he is one of Clay's bros.

The SkyWing of the Jade Winglet, she dies in the explosion Sora puts off.
Winter's evil, death crazy sister, who ends up killing Crane, Clay's sister, in the battle before or during book one. She tries to kill the dragonets so that Hailstorm, her brother, is released from Queen Scarlet. She is visited by Scarlet in her dreams to be given orders.
Peril's father who is a RainWing that found Darkstalker's magic animus scroll and uses it to give himself different skins.

Winter and Icicle's older brother, he was kidnapped by the SkyWings and turned into Pyrite, the SkyWing.
Queen Ruby
The new Queen of the SkyWings, Ruby is actually Princess Tourmaline under one of Chameleon's spells. In Book 8, she kills Scarlet and finds out who she is.