Greeks made contact with the _____ in the ninth century B.C.E.
The Greeks referred to some people with whom they came into contact as barbarians because they:
did not speak Greek.
Hubris is:
excessive pride, which was punished by the gods.
Homer's poetry describes a world in which:
warrior aristocrats competed for status and power and reinforced social ties through hospitality and gift-giving.
The social center and organizational hub of the Greek polis was:
the agora.
By the sixth century B.C.E., Greeks founded numerous colonies around the Mediterranean basin, the most significant of which were located where?
Anatolia and Italy.
After Hoplites were introduced in Greece:
aristocrats lost their monopoly on military prowess.
Hoplites were organized into formations called a:
What made Greek battle formations and strategy formidable?
the training and skill of the hoplites to stay together.
In the symposium, Archaic Age Greek aristocrats:
enjoyed wine and listened to poetry.
A Greek aristocrat who seized power and ruled outside the traditional constitutional framework was called:
a tyrant.
The origins of Greek democracy can be identified, in part, in the rule of the Athenian aristocrat:
Cleisthenes is important in the history of Athenian government because he:
championed the cause of the demos and took steps to limit the power of aristocrats.
The most militarized of all the poleis in Greece was:
Spartiates rejected innovation and change and were:
forbidden to engage in trade or commerce.
Ionians transmitted the Lydian invention of _________ to the Greek world.
Because of their successful colonial and trading activities, the Miletus:
became extraordinarily wealthy.
Milesian philosophers, known as the pre-Socratics:
looked to physical explanations of the workings of the universe.
The decisive Greek military victory over the Persians at Salamis was won by:
the Athenian fleet.
The Sophist claim that "Man is the measure of all things" means:
goodness, truth, and justice are not absolutes, but vary according to the needs and interests of human beings.
Socrates urged his followers to :
understand the principles of proper conduct and one's actions.
Greek sculpture evolved from the rather stiff likenesses resembling Egyptian statuary to a style labeled as:
One major result of the Persian wars was:
the vindication of hoplites in battle and a boost to Athenian and Greek confidence.
A result of the defeat of the Athenian expedition to attack Syracuse was:
the Athenian assembly replaced its democracy with oligarchy.