''the unexamined life is not worth living'' is a cornerstone of the philosophy of
Alexander the Greats troops rebelled when he made the decision to invade and capture
alexanders militarry success against the Persians was in part attributable to
the role of Alexanders cavalry as a strike force
all of the following are true about the cult of Isis except
it originated in the eastern Persian empire, an outgrowth of Zoroastrianism
all of the followinf were conqured by Alexander except
An especially important cultural center with the largest library in the ancient times was
At the battle of Marathon, the Greeks
won a decisive victory by aggressive attack against a stonger for
At the Battle of Thermopylae, the
Spartans fought a noble holding action to the last man
By the sixth century B.C., to balance the power of kings and the council of Elders, Spartan political reformers created the
During the Age of Pericles
Athenians beacme deeply attached to their democratic system
during the migrations of the Greek Dark Age, many lonians
crossed the Aegean Sea to settle in Asia Minor
Early Greek philosophy attempted to
explain the universe on the basis of unifying priciples
in classical Athens, male homosexuality
was practiced and tolerated in part as a means by which mature men instructed young males about the masculine world of politics
in establishing his empire, Alexander the Great
in Sparta
life resembled that of a military camp
one of the chief causes of the Peloponnesian War was
Sparta's fear of the power of Athens and its maritime empire
socrates was condemned to death for
corrupting the youth of Athens
maintained that people could gain inner peace by seeking virtue and living according to nature
the Athenian stateman who established the ten tribes and who weakened the aristocracy and increased the ordinary citizens was
the chief center of Minoan Crete was
the Greek Parthenon
is considered the greatest example of classical Greek temple architecture
the Hellenistic dynasty that lasted the longest was the
the Hellenistic era describes an age the saw
the extension and imitation og Greek culture throughout the ancient Near East
the hoplite phalanx was
a new Greek military organization of heavily armed infantry
the Jews in the Hellenistic era
were disperced throughout the eastern Mediterranean region
the mystery cults and religions of the Hellenistic world
helped pave the way for the success of Christianity
the Peloponnesian war resulted in
the defeat of Athens and the collapes of its empire
the period immediately following the collapse of the Mycenaean civilization is referred to as the
Greek Dark Age
the philosophical school that stressed happiness through freeing oneself from a political life was
the ''polis'' was the greek name for
the Republic depicted
Plato'sideaof the ideal government and society
the Sophists
were perfessional teachers who seemingly questioned the traditional values of their societies
the strategoi
was a board of ten generals
the wide spred popularity of Stoicism and Epicureanism in the Hellenistic world
suggested a new openness to thoughts of universality
Tyranny in the Greek polis arose as
a reaction to arisocratic power and a widening gulf between the rich and the poor
upon the death of Alexander
his Macedonian generals became involved in successive power struggles
what was the greatest difference between education during the Hellenistic period and the education during the classical period
rather than being a private enterprise, Hellenistic education became a duty of cities and their governments
what were the chief characteristics of the Greek Dark Age
it was a period of migrations and declining food production
which of the following phrases best describes the social situation of Greek women
women were kept under strict control, cut off from formal education and were always assigned a male gaurdian
which of the following was not true of Greek religion
myths served no particular social function
which of the following best describes the delian league
an alliance of city-states led by Athens after the Persian war
in general,seperate early greek communities...
became fierce rivals fighting so often as to threaten greek cicilization itself
Homers Iliad points out the
honor and courage of greek aristocratic heroes in battle
which of the following is true of greece from the eighth century B.C.?
the Polis evolved into the central instution in greek life
which of the following was not a characteristic of the typical greek?
each Polis had a population between 90,000 and 100,000 citizens
the deveolpment of the polis had a negative impact on greek society by
dividing greece into fiercely competitive states
the greek polis put primary emphasis on
cooperation between its citizens for the common welfare
the hoplite phalanx relied for its success on
disapline and teamwork
which greek philosopher said, with regard to the polis, ''we must rather regard every citizen as belonging to the state''?
the rise of tyrants in the poleis in the seventh and sixth centuries
often encouraged the economic and cultural progress of the cities.
the spartans made the army the center of their society because
they feared an uprising by their helots
the lycurgan reforms resulted in
the estaablishment of a permanent military state in sparta
unlike the women of most other greek cities, spartan women were...
stay phisically fit to bear health children
for the greeks the term arete described the
the striving for excellence
which of the folowing descriptions of Athenian leaders is incorrect?
pisistratus, remodeled the entire Athemian constitutioin while utterly neglecting his merchant supporters
Cleisthenes' constitution established the Athenian government as
the immediate couse of the persian war was
a revolt of the Ionian greek colonies in asia minor
the battle of the marathon was a victory for
Athenian hoplites
the Delian League was organized in 478-477 B.C. to
keep sparta isolated in the peloponnesus
the Greek historian Thucydides differed from Herodotus in that the
was unconcerned with spiritual forces as a factor in history
the Greek dramatist who was a realist and known for his portrayal realistic characters in real life situations was
Plato, in the republic, imagines a perfect society ruled by
Alexander the Greats conquests in Asia occrred despite
his eventual difficulties in convincing his troops to fight so far from home
in establishing his empire, Alexander the great
a, b, and c
the Greek general who took Egypt after Alexanders death and converted it into the first Hellenistic kingdom was
the famous Indian ruler who sent Buddhist missonaries to greek rullers
the Antigonid kingdom was based in
the Hellenistic states in the centuries after Alexander the great
became despotic monarchies
which of the following statements best describes Hellenistic cities?
small and governed by a military elite
which class of women achieved the most noteable gains during the hellenistic period?
upper class
who wrote the treatise, ''on chastity''?
which of the following was not a major sorce of slaves in the Helleinstic world?
citizens who could not pay their debts were sold into slavery
the greek god of healing, thought responsible for miraculous cures in the Hellenistic period, was
the scientific foundations of medicine made by Alexandrian physicians...
were made possible through the use of dissection and vivisection
which of the following statements is untrue concerning Hellenistic culture?
Artists remained social outcasts, and were rarely patronized by the rich.
the best example of Hellenistic 'new comedy' was the Athenian playwright
the surviving works of the Greek historian Polybius demonstrate...
his following of Thucydides in seeking rational motives for historical events
Hellenistic sculpture
was more emotional and realistic than clasical Greek sculpture
who was credited with having been the first to seperate medicine from philosopy?
the Alexandrian scholar Euclid's most famous achievement was
systematizing the study of geometry
the most famous scientist of his era, Archimedes of Syracuse, was responsible for all of the folloing except
uniting the disaplines of science and philosophy
who maintained that the only things that exsit are atoms moving through the void?
what was the primary difference between the philosophy of the greek classical period and philosophy during the hellenistic period?
Hellenistic pholosophy dealt with moer human happiness disassociated from the life of the polis
how did greek religion change during the Hellenistic period/
the greeks became very receptive to the eastern religous mystery cults
in the Hellenistic era, medicine...
progressed due to the use of dissection and vivisection
which of the following led a revolt against seleucid monarchy in judea in the 160's b.C.E.?
Judas Maccabaeus
which of the following statements is correct about the Hellenistic civilization?
signs of decline were apperent by the late third century B.C.E.