People who are killed, wounded, captured, or missing in a war
Continental Army
America's Patriot army during the Revolutionary War
Continental Congress
..., the legislative assembly composed of delegates from the rebel colonies who met during and after the American Revolution; they issued the Declaration of Independence and framed Articles of Confederation
A leave military duty without intending to return.
joining the military voluntarily.
a place occupied by a camp. A temporary place for soldiers to stay.
George Washington
The General of the Continental Army during the American Revolution.
A persons physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being/ condition.
The temporary living quarters of troops at the encampment at Valley Forge were referred to as these.
a fixed allowance of provisions or food, esp. for soldiers or sailors or for civilians during a shortage
A reason for doing something; explanation
any coins of Colonial America
Cruel and unjust government
Valley Forge
..., Place where Washington's army spent the winter of 1777-1778, a 4th of troops died here from disease and malnutriton, Steuben comes and trains troops
Sunshine Patriot
someone who is a patriot only when they are winning
Summer Soldier
are there for you when times are not too difficult but are not depended on to be there during difficult times