8000 BCE-600 BCE
Neolithic revolution domestication of plants and animals
leads to surplus of food and denser populations which in turn leads to specializations
8000 BCE 7200 BCE
Jericho and Catal Huyuk settlements but not civilizations
3500 BCE
Sumerians invent the wheel
3000 BCE
bronze age (copper + tin)
1300 BCE
Iron age
most isolated part of the world during the neolithc revolution
the americas
Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt would be similar in that they each
introduced monotheism in cultures that were predominantly polytheistic
Ibrahim and Ikhnaten introduced monotheism into Mesopotamia and Egypt, though ancient Egyptians rejected Ikhnaten's ideas.
An example of diffusion in AP World History would be
the Hittites bringing iron into Mesopotamia
The importing of iron into Mesopotamia by the foreign Hittite is an excellent example of what diffusion is.
Chinese emperors were expected to be responsible to their citizenry because of
the Mandate of Heaven
The Mandate of Heaven gave permission to the emperor to rule, a permission ultimately granted by the people.
What do the Bantu and Indo-Europeans have in common?
They were a migratory group that spread their culture as they traveled
For different reasons they fanned out from their homeland and spread their culture as they went, the Indo-Europeans into Europe and South Asia and the Bantu into Sub-Saharan Africa.
600 CE
birth of islam
Zhou dynasty
longest lasting chinese dynasty
mandate of heaven
ends around 256 BCE
Qin dynasty (221 BCE-209 BCE)
Shi Huangdi- known as the first emperor of China
Unifies China after the warring states period
Legalism is the philosophy
Builds tomb guarded by Terra Cotta warriors and starts the Great Wall
Standardizes weights, measurements, currencies, laws and written language
Han dynasty (206 BCE to 200 CE)
Golden Age of China
Establish the Silk Road
Han (silk) and Romans (precious metals) trade
Buddhism spreads to China via silk road
Civil Service Exam begins
Based on teachings of Confucius (Analects)
Government should be highly educated
Created a government bureaucracy skilled and stable
Technology han dynasty
Paper manufactured, sun dials, calendars, compass, rudder, seismograph, water powered mills
shi huangdi
installed legalism: begining of the great wall his tomb was filled with the terra cotta warriors
wall we see today
product of the ming dynasty
206 BCE- 220 CE
Han dynasty established the silk road (connected the han dynasty across the mediteranean with rome) established the civil service exam (bureacracy based on merit) *advancements in technology
Mauryan Empire (322- 185 BCE)
First to unify the Indian subcontinent
Spread Buddhism and kept it from dying out
Gupta Empire (320- 550 CE)
Golden Age of India: Number system developed (Arabic numerals), concept of zero, concept of pi, Sanskrit flourishes, predicted eclipses, inoculation, surgeries and bone setting
Not as centralized, smaller than the Mauryan
Hinduism reasserted
Major continuity throughout India
a strong example of patriarchal society in India
The region of the world that saw the most dramatic change in political structure during this timeframe was (600 BCE-600CE)
South Asia
South Asia saw dramatic changes in the centralized and decentralized nature of political organization.
Which of the following belief systems most encouraged literacy?
Confucianism recognized the value of the scholar.
first to coin money
Persian Empire (600 BCE-600 CE)
Cyrus the Great starts the Achaemenid Empire (Iran)
Great Royal Road (1600 miles of roads comparable to eventual Roman roads)
Capital Persepolis (comparable to Chang'an, Athens, Rome, Teotihuacan)
Defeated by Greeks in Persian War (this developed the concept of East and West) and finally defeated by Alexander the Great of Macedonia
Adopted Phoenician alphabet
Athens- democracy, science, arts, philosophy, architecture (Parthenon)
Sparta- military
Culture- Olympics, mythology, epic poems of the Odyssey and Iliad, drama and comedy, development of philosophy (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle)
Aristotle model of Greek thought by use of logic
Alexander the Great
Conquered Greece and spread Greek culture known as Hellenism
Empire facilitated interaction and spread of culture (Greece, India, Persia, and Egypt)
Library of Alexandria in Egypt center of learning (good comparison to later Timbuktu, Mali)
Geometry, medicine, anatomy, circumference of the earth, Pythagorean theorem, geocentric thought of Ptolemy
empress wu
founded her own dynasty
led first as regent in 683 CE
became empress 690 CE
deposed in 705 CE
dynasties in order
shang 1600-1029 BCE
zhou 1029-771 BCE
warring states period 475-271 BCE
qin 221-206 BCE
Han 206 BCE-220 CE
the three kingdoms period 220-280 CE
sui 581-618 CE
tang 618-907 CE
song 960-1271 CE
yuan 1271-1368
red turban rebellion 1351-1368
ming 1368-1644
Qing 1644-1911
mandate of heaven
terra cotta warriors
this has been a passive aggressive message from annie to get a five dot com
thank you
alexander the great
356-323 BCE destroyed the persians, also introduced the idea of absolute monarchy to the greco roman world
spread greek culture all the way to india (egypt persia india)
hellenistic empires
antigonids, ptolemies, seleucids
Rome (Greatest achievements are law and engineering)
Roman Republic
Senate, Twelve Tables (comparable to Hammurabi's law code)
Military domination and expansion with the Punic wars
Empire (greco roman)
Julius Caesar killed (44 BCE), Octavian Augustus becomes emperor
Empire stretches from England to Middle East
Pax Romana (Roman peace)
Comparable to Golden age of Athens, later Pax Mongolica and Pax Tokugawa of Japan
Law- innocent unless proven guilty by court
Engineering (Coliseum), aqueducts
Roads (comparable to Persian royal road and later Incan roads)
Roman culture influenced by Greek cultural diffusion
Slavery (greco roman)
Both Greek and Roman society heavily dependent on slavery (comparison to Chinese dependency on the peasants)
Silk Road
Rome traded precious metals with the Han for silk
5th century BCE
the golden age of athens
caused by the victory in the persian war
pelopennesian war (431-404 BCE)
athens v.s. sparta
leads to weakening of greece and allows for phillip of macedonia to take over (macedonnia is a little north of greece)
two greatest axhievments of rome
law and engineering
Punic Wars
Rome v.s. hannibal? (silence of the lambs anyone)
allow for roman expansion
pax romana
roman peace
is the golden age of rome
concept of innocent until prove guilty
innovations in engineering ex. the coliseum
dev. of roads
Assimilation of multiple cultures was achieved most by
Alexander the Great
As Alexander swept across the Middle East and South Asia, he melded several cultures.
The existence of slavery in the Roman Empire discouraged
industrial development
Slavery made human labor inexpensive and discouraged the development of mechanical methods of output.
the buddha is divine
romulus and remus
founders of rome :)
senatus populusque romanus = the senate and the people of rome
patricians and plebeians
small group of aristocratic families and the rest
two areas where christianity remained in africa were (600-1450)
egypt and ethiopia
2000 BCE-1000 CE
Bantu migrations
blending (in this context its a blending of cultures)
swahili city states
built on trade
examples include Kilwa Mombasa Sofala and Mozambique
their goods were based on gold ivory salt and slaves
a mix between bantu and arabic languages
introduction of bananas into subsaharan africa
shows diffusion of malaysiz into sub saharan africa.
bananas are a high aloric food so it allowed for population growth
Ghana was known for its gold and becoming islamic (this was due to the subsaharan trade; they were introduced to merchants)
founder of the Mali empire (comparable to Ghengis khan?)
Mansa Musa
most famous of Mali rulers; he took gold and slaves and since he was islamic went on his pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324
he threw out so much gold in Cairo that he inflated the economy
think the mosque at Jenne GOLD AND SALT!
Sonni Ali associated with the Songhai?
Islamic empire, knocked out by some dudes
spread iron farming and language
1100 CE
mayas? remember the maya were warring city states much like the greeks, they also sacrificed slaves
mayan achievments
language and writing (comparable to egyptian glyphs)
mayan calendar
also came up with the placeholder of 0 (remember the gupta empire)
also has architecture including Tikal and Chichen Itza
It was a model city. significance with aztecs?
silk road
began during the roman han times was the first golden age. second was during the tang/song dynasty, the third is the mongols.
buddhism spreads along the silk road
indian ocean trade route
flourishing trade centered around india
linked india east africa and
trans saharan trade route
made possible by the camel around first century CE
300 CE
camel saddle allows camel carry more, so trade explodes
What group of people connected the trans-Saharan traders with the Indian Ocean?
the bantu!
the big three trade routes
silk road, indian ocean trade, trans saharan trade route
Which product would a fifth-century CE merchant in South Asia most likely purchase from a merchant just arrived from Sub-Saharan Africa via the Indian Ocean?
Ivory was the item transported across the Indian Ocean during this timeframe.
aztecs located
central mexico
extended agriculture into water. aztec tecnique
incas located
modern day peru
incas also mummified their leaders
similar to the egyptians
a record keeping system invented by the inca
largest continuous land empire to exist
reestablished the silk road to allow for the pax mongolica
they were also religiously tolerant
they never took japan and they never took egypt
time period of the mongols
think 1200s