a scientist who studies the variety of plants, pests, disease, & pesticide chemicals found in agricultural crops
a scientist who studies the history of mankind, material relics, & civilizations
a scientist who studies living things in the environment
a scientist who studies the plant life in an environment
a scientist who studies chemicals and the effects of pollution in the air, water, and soil
a scientist who studies a location and determines the steps needed to protect the area from being destroyed or polluted
a scientist who studies the whole environment as a working unit, and the issues that can arise when part of the environment is jeopardized
a scientist who studies insects, spiders, snails, and others
a scientist who studies the process of the Earth's crust, including earthquakes; also study formation of rocks, minerals, soils, & Earth's geology
a scientist who studies rain, lakes, and rivers
a scientist who studies fish and their diseases
marine biologist
a scientist who studies life in the oceans
a scientist who studies the climate and weather patterns of an area
a scientist who studies the tiny microorganisms of the environment and chemical toxins that affect it
a scientist who studies birds and their diseases
a scientist who studies fossils of ancient life forms, and how they survived in different time periods
a scientist who studies volcanoes and their effects on the environment
a scientist who studies the variety of animals in the environment & their life processes on a particular environment; an example is animals living around a pond, including frogs, snakes, mice, hawks, fish, & turtles
people who study the world; observers of our environment & the ones who help us to understand what's happening around us
Necessity is Mother of Invention
Technology's all about information Scientists use latest computers & equipment to look at places & things they study Without a microscope, a microbiologist wouldn't be able to look at the tiny organisms they wish to study Meteorologists use radar to track the patterns of clouds and rain and to protect what tomorrow's weather will be Technology keeps growing to meet needs of scientists; many everyday household items were created to help a scientist do a better job For this reason, it's important that scientists keep asking questions & searching for answers, & technology will be there to help find the answers
Scientists study
many different aspects of the environment
In one location, you can have
several scientists working together to give you the "big picture"
Technology works to
help scientists study the environment & helps them communicate their findings to other scientists