From the soul selects her own society: "I've known her from an ample nation, choose one, then close the valves of her attention" what is the literary term used and what does it mean
Synecdoche - Uses the valve of her heart to compared to the whole heart
From the soul selects her own society: "The soul selects her own society" what is the literary term used?
Personification - soul personified as a women and by selecting her own society she selects her own soulmate -- She is unmoved by chariots and emporers (wealth and power).
She chooses one and then closes her heart like stone.
From the soul selects her own society: "Like stone" what is the literary term used and what does it mean?
Simile - closes her heart like stone meaning she is indifferent to others
What is the theme of the soul selects her own society?
Choosing a soulmate, only one person for someone