Mention the places from were the boys came from.
The brothers were from Joul, Benjamin was from a unnamed village in South Sudan.

What animal is considered by the Dinka their friend?
Who was the one who always helped the boys (a relative)?
Were did the boys stay before they left to America?
Kakuma Refugee Camp
What were the boys told to do in case of danger?
Run and hide in the bushes
Did any of the boys have a treasured item? Which was it and why?
Yes, two of the three boys. Benson had the red shorts and Benjamin had a white blanket.
What happened to Benson on his way from Torit?
He cut his left ankle.
The boys were picking mangos. What made the ants not attack them?
Their pee.

Benson was accused of something, What was it and who told on him?
He was accused of stealing oil by a pregnant Ethiopian lady.
Someone died in Yier's family who was it?
His second wife
One of the the boys was good at something, who and what?
Alepho was really good at running
Alepho had a core he wasn't good at. What was it?
Taking the goats to graze; one always got lost.
There was a way of demonstrating richness at the Dinka, which was it?
Being the fattest man.
With who did Benjamin lived at the age of five?
With his mother/family
Alepho's town was being attacked. Where was Benson?
Babysitting her sister's goats Angog.

Benson was having a hard time when going to Ajakageer. What? What was wrong with him?
Pink eye disease.
Benson was walking through the desert. When suddenly something almost killed him.

What was it?

Who took care of Angog's goats and Benson had left?
When the boys were traveling to the states. What did they have a hard time figuring out?
How the plane could fly so high
What were the bathrooms called on the plane?
Once at the States the boys received something from a stranger. What was it?
New shirt
After New York where does Alepho want to go? San Diego
San Diego
Who did Benson meet after Angog was attacked and what did he want Benson to call him?
Deng, Angong's secret brother.
Alepho was in the Nissan. What happened to his things?
Someone pooped on them.
The boys were walking to Kakuna, what did they wished would return?
The Mercedes
Who did Alepho meet in Kakuna?
What did the boys brake at the airport?
Which international aid agency helped the lost boys out of Sudan?