The news provides a refracted version of reality because it
emphasizes dramatic and compelling news stories
In comparison with today's newspapers, early American newspapers
could not have survived without political party support
Objective journalism is based on the idea that the reporter's job is to
report the facts and cover alternative sides of a partisan debate
The federal government's licensing of broadcasting is based primarily on
the scarcity of broadcasting frequencies
The FCC's equal time requirement
prohibits broadcasters from selling or giving time to political candidates and denying it to their opponents
What development brought about a dramatic reduction in television's capacity to generate an interest in news?
the rapid spread of cable
One of the reasons the reporting of national news is relatively uniform among news sources is that
the network newscasts are brief and the day's top stories tend to dominate
The Watergate scandal illustrates the
power of the media to serve as watchdog to safeguard against abuses of power
Which of the following is one of the two major advantages of journalists in covering the political game and strategic aspects of news instead of the policy frame?
political game is a constant source for fresh material
The reason the news product is designed to fascinate as well as to inform is because
news organizations are fundamentally businesses and must obtain revenue from advertisers to survive
One special contribution of Internet-based news is that it
provides the ordinary citizen with an opportunity to be part of the news system
During what decade did the American network news audience change from a growing to a shrinking one
the 1980's
The traditional media have "softened" their news by
infusing it with more stories about celebrities, crime, and the like
The news media's common-carrier role is based on the idea that
the press should provide a channel through which political leaders can communicate their views to the public
On both radio and television, most successful partisan talk shows
have been hosted by conservatives
Among the following, the news media are MOST likely to focus on events that
are timely
The term "framing" is used to describe the
process of selecting certain aspects of reality and making them the most salient part of the communication, thereby conveying a particular interpretation of a situation
How has the Internet affected the watchdog role of the media?
It has expanded the watchdog capacity of the media
Which institution receives the most news coverage from the national press?
the presidency
In terms of news consumption, since the 1980s young adults
have been less informed than older ones