At the beginning, Arnold is chewing gum,
trying to break the school's gum chewing record.
Arnold wants to win two free tickets
to a ride called Action Mountain.
Action Mountain is
the ride of Wanda's dreams.
Dorothy Ann is focused on
the assignment about digestion that Ms. Frizzle gave them.
Ms. Frizzle states,
"No guts, no digestion!"
Wanda slaps Arnold on the back
which makes Arnold swallow the gum.
Wanda had been hoping that Arnold would
share the free tickets with her.
Arnold and Wanda were
disappointed when he accidentally swallowed the gum.
Wanda is excited when
Ms. Frizzle announces a field trip.
Arnold doesn't want to
go on the field trip.
Ms. Frizzle allows Arnold to stay at school
with Liz as his substitute teacher.
Arnold begins to eat a
bag of Cheezie Weezies for a snack.
Arnold doesn't know that the magic school bus has shrunk
to the same size as the Cheezie Weezies and he accidentally ate it!!!
Ms. Frizzle drives the magic school bus
across Arnold's tongue.
The kids notice "the pink pavement"
which is the surface of Arnold's tongue covered with taste buds to sense different tastes and flavors.
The kids notice "the dripping walls"
which are the sides of Arnold's mouth covered in saliva to help soften the food.
The kids notice the "humongo white things"
which are Arnold's teeth chewing the food in his mouth.
Our teeth
grind food into smaller particles to help in the digestive process.
As Arnold swallows an olive,
he also swallows the bus!
The magic school bus travels down Arnold's throat and
into his esophagus and then out into his stomach.
The esophagus automatically
pushes food and the bus through it down into the stomach.
Hydrochloric acid in the stomach
breaks the food particles down into a liquid.
The class observes a giant rock in Arnold's stomach,
which was really the wad of gum he had swallowed.
Ralphie suffered from motion sickness
while inside Arnold's stomach.
Arnold wanted to break the olive eating record
until Liz showed him the school record book.
Arnold hoped to break the record of placing
the most pens in a shirt pocket.
Digestion is the process of breaking down food in the stomach and other organs
so that it can be absorbed into the blood.
Teeth are the white, bony parts of the mouth
that are used for biting and chewing food.
The tongue is a movable muscle in your mouth
that is used for tasting, swallowing, and talking.
Saliva is the clear liquid in your mouth that keeps it moist and
helps you swallow and begin to digest food.
The esophagus if the tube
that carries food from the throat to the stomach.
The stomach is a muscular, pouchlike organ
of your body where chewed food begins to be digested.