Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob may best be described as?
Chieftains of Semi nomadic clans that roamed Palestine
The Israelite tribal confederation was held together by
Who is well regarded as a Hebrew warrior,poet, and king?
Torah originally meant?
Teaching/ instruction
at least how many years of Jewish history are contained in the Old Testament
more than a thousand
Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt to...?
spread the belief in Yahweh the one god/ to the promised land/ Canaan
The Hebrew view of god was different from that of other Near Easter peoples... how?
the Hebrew god was transcendent above nature and not a part of it, only one God/ Yahweh
the Hebrews contended that God had what qualities?
they knew he was good, cared for all, compassionate
A Hebrew covenant applies to...?
the central theme found in the old testament was...?
an analysis of the Hebrew woman shows that...?
they were respected but no treated equally
women in the ancient Hebrew society were...?
in a subordinate position to the men
Judith and Deborah are remembered as....?
prophetesses who were esteemed by the community, wise woman who were respected
the Hebrew view of history is that it is...
derived from the idea of a universal God who is involved in human affairs
one would least likely to say that the prophets were...?
not a big part of the Hebrew life and taught if they were selfish disaster would come
who was present during the siege of Jerusalem in the early sixth century
according to the prophets, the supreme concern and commandment of God relates to...?
all people were equally important to God/ universalism
Hebrew recommendations to seek a more and just and equitable society may best be associated with...?
righteousness, the convent and the ten commandments
parochialism among the Hebrews may be be associated with...?
special nature, destiny, and needs of chosen people
what are associated with the legacy of the Hebraic traditions...?