A --- gauze or cloth screen that, when painted and lit from the front, appears solid, but when lit from behind becomes transparent
The silhouette of a costume is primarily influenced by the
A fairly complete sketch made by the designer, usually done in color, is called a
A prop is any object that is used on stage that becomes a permanent part of the scenery or costumes
The objectives of the scene designer do NOT include
assisting in the blocking of the production
When a costume is created in the costume shop under the supervision of the designer and shop supervisor, this is known as
When costumes are taken from inventory or rented from a costume house, this is known as
A spotlight that produces a soft-edged beam that can be adjusted for smaller or larger areas is called a
Which of the following throws a sharp, concentrated light and allows for shaping the beam with shutters?
ellipsoidal reflector spotlight
Sound called for in the script that usually comes from recognizable sources is
In the play "Antigone" the King punishes Antigone's brother (Polynices) by
refusing him a proper burial
The Greek chorus was essential to Greek drama, and
-was a group with whom the audience could identify -provided necessary background information -sang and danced -all of the above***
Greek Old Comedy would be best described as
Which from of drama dealt with romantic and domestic situations?
Greek New Comedy
A --- dramatizes a series of biblical events
mystery play
A --- uses religious characters and religious themes to teach a lesson
morality play
The seeds of --- are found in medieval religious drama
episodic structure
Virtually all plays in medieval theatre were short-today's equivalent of a one-act play
The presentation of the story of Noah's Ark described in the textbook takes place
during a four-day festival
The stages used for the presentation of Noah's Ark are called
Which two forms of Asian theatre include long narrow bridges (the hashigakari and the hanamichi) used for actor entrances?
no and kabuki
Kabuki theatre was originated by
a Shinto priestess
Kabuki drew its material from Indian kathakali plays
Kabuki plays feature beautiful scenic effects and also include the first known use of a revolving stage
Zeami Motokiyo was the most important and influential figure in the history of which form of drama
Classical forms of Indian theatre include
-percussion instruments -dance -decorative costumes -all of the above***
Which of the following is NOT one of the basic characters of no drama?
Repeated bits of comic business used in commedia dell'arte are called
Italian commedia dell'arte had no set text; it was improvisational
Which of the following is NOT a component of com media dell'arte?
Historically accurate costuming was used in Restoration theatres
The type of stage preferred during the Restoration was the
proscenium stage
In Restoration theatres, what is the phrase "to see and be seen" referring to?
the audience
Which part of the Restoration was a major performance area?
the apron
To accommodate the new middle-class audience, theatres became larger during the eighteenth century
The dramatic form that emphasizes suspense and nostalgia
--- was a serious play that did not fit the neoclassical definition of tragedy
Which early director established rules for the audience as well as the actors' personal lives?
The Bibiena family is noted for
their work with multipoint perspective as designers
David Garrick rebelled against the
bombastic style of acting
The Romantic movement believed in
mood and atmosphere
Naturalist plays often focus on the sordid and seamy part of life
Audiences immediately accepted realistic plays in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
---- idealized technology and war
Uses eyes to reflect the soul trapped in a mechanized shell
Presenting the unpresentable is a feature of which theatrical movement?
The use of dream imagery is a feature of which theatrical movement
Believes that realism can't encompass things beyond everyday existence
Suggestive scenery and sounds were used in which theatrical movement?
Which theatrical movement began as a movement in painting?