A Hebrew word meaning "law," referring to the first five books of the Old Testament.
the Jewish scriptures which consist of three divisions--the Torah and the Prophets and the Writings
Jewish Covenant
God calls Abraham and his descendants to be God's chosen people; He promises them land
Diachronic Analysis
concerned with the way in which something, especially literature, has developed and evolved through time
Terminology used in the documentary hypothesis to designate the documents identified by this method of analysis: Jahwist~ dated ca. 950 B.C.; Elohist~ dated ca. 850 B.C.; Deuteronomist~ dated ca. 622 B.C.; Priestly~ dated ca. 500-450 B.C. Proponents of this theory believe that J and E were combined ca. 750 B.C.~ to which D was added ca. 620 B.C.~ with P added in the post-Exilic period~ giving the Pentateuch its final form as we know it by 400 B.C. This hypothesis was given its classical expression by Julius Wellhausen in 1878. See Source criticism.
Jahwist Source
Source that wrote descriptive stories in which God is intimately involved in the world and speaks directly to people. Written in a light, down to earth tone; uses the term YHWH (spoken as Adonai)
Deuteronomistic Source
Material found in the book of Deuteronomy, in the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings, and also in the book of Jeremiah; focus on worship in Jerusalem, and the care of the poor.
A common Hebrew word for God used in the Bible. _____ appears in Hebrew names like Mich-a-EL, Dan-i-EL, and Ari-EL.
Elohist Source
writes about God as Transcendent and as a being to be feared
Priestly Source
This source can be identified by a concern for priestly matters: the tabernacle in Exodus, the Sabbath in Genesis 1, and Leviticus are examples. The narratives are formulaic and include dates and "technical" details, connecting events with genealogies. Covenants with ancestors figures e.g. Noah, Abraham, and Moses.
Historical Narrative
Accounts of historical experiences written by someone who has experienced the events, or by someone who has reflected upon a series of historical experiences
Mosaic Law
613 commandments found in Torah
Jewish Prophets
God's spokesmen to his Chosen People, they exhorted, rebuked, and continually called the people back to the ways of their God; they also foretold the coming of the Kingdom, the New Jerusalem, and the appearance of the Messiah, i.e. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos.
"Writings"; the third section of the Hebrew scriptures, consisting primarily of poetry, proverbs, and literary works
From the Jewish Virtual Library: "However dim and uncertain Hebrew history is in the age of the patriarchs, there is no question that the migration out of Egypt around 1250 BC is the single most important event in Hebrew history. More than anything else in history, this event gave the Hebrews an identity, a nation, a founder, and a name, used for the first time in the very first line of _________, the biblical account of the migration: "bene yisrael," "the children of Israel."
A pre-Christian Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures made by Jewish scholars, and later adopted by Greek-speaking Christians
A name for God that God himself revealed to Moses and the Chosen People on Mount Sinai. The word means "I Am Who Am" and led to Israel's understanding that God is the one, living, and true God.
Suffering Servant
The image from Isaiah 53:7-8 of a servant who dies for the salvation of all; Christians see this as a prophecy related to Jesus Christ.
"God's chosen (anointed) one" - the awaited king of the Jews; Hebrew term
Abraham and Hagar's son
From the Jewish Virtual Library: "Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, known as the Patriarchs, are both the physical and spiritual ancestors of Judaism."
Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel- female founders of Judaism
Davidic Covenant
Promise of God to David and the people of Israel that someone from David's line will, in the future, establish a royal dynasty that would endure forever
Prophesied during 8th Century BCE about Immanuel and the coming Messiah who would end Israel's exile
Circa 750 BCE; a Jewish prophet who reminded the people to care for one another, especially the poor and the widowed
Assyrian Invasion
(722/721 BCE) Northern kingdom falls because of this event
Circa 600 BCE; a Jewish prophet who denounced God's people for abandoning the Covenant and believing in false gods
First Temple
A monumental sanctuary built in Jerusalem by King Solomon in the Tenth Century BCE to be the religious center for YHWH. The priesthood there conducted sacrifices, received a tithe or percentage of agricultural revenues. Destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BCE.
Babylonian Exile
In 567 BCE, the __________ pillaged Judah, destroyed the city and the Temple of Jerusalem, and banished the people in chains to serve as slaves in _________. This Exile lasted until 539 BCE.
Hymns or songs of prayer to God that express praise, thanksgiving, or lament; tradition says that they were written by David
Similarity of structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses
The Book of Job
This book reminds us that suffering is a part of life for all people. The innocent and faithful also suffer; We do not know why. God states, ""Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding."
Abomination of Desolation
Antiochus IV Epiphanes sets up an altar to Zeus in the Jewish Temple and sacrifices a pig therein
Jewish holiday in Nov./Dec. Celebrates the miracle of the oil, where the Temple in 167 BCE had one day's worth of oil, and it lasted eight days. Menorah is the symbol of this holiday which celebrates the Maccabean victory over the Greek oppressors.
Maccabean Revolt
the Jewish uprising against the Syrians their king, Antiochus Epiphanes, starting in 167 B.C.E., in protest against the forced imposition of Hellenistic culture and the proscription of Jewish practices such as circumcision
Apocalyptic Literature
A form of writing that uses symbolic language and imagery to describe the eternal struggle between good and evil.
The Book of Daniel
refers to a "Son of Man" who is a heavenly figure to whom God would give everlasting rule
Second Temple
An important shrine which stood in Jerusalem between 516 BCE and 70 CE. It replaced the first one which was destroyed in 586 BCE when the Jewish nation was exiled to Babylon. This shrine was destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE.
Wailing Wall
Jewish holy site in Jerusalem that is the only remaining portion of the Second Temple
Jewish Revolt
66-70 CE: sometimes called the Great Revolt or First Jewish-Roman War. Led to the total defeat of the Jewish people, the destruction of the Second Temple, and the Diaspora.
The expulsion and dispersal of Jews from Israel, by the Romans, 70 CE onward
The remaining Western Wall of the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem
A trait of God that refers to his intimate union with and total presence to his creation, whereby he upholds and sustains all creation in its being
Jewish stronghold outside Jerusalem that fell to a Roman siege in 73 CE
A trait of God that refers to his total otherness and being infinitely beyond and independent of creation
thought to be Jesus' original name; God saves