Focus of Progressivism
Focus: flexible, integrated study, centered around experiences
Sample activity progressivism
Activity: a field trip
Role of teacher progressivism
Role: to be a guide and integrate learning activities
Goal for students progressivism
Goal: to become intelligent problem solvers
Educational leaders progressivism
Person: John Dewey
Focus for social reconstructionism
focus: of social and political and economic needs
Sample activity for social recon
Activity: working to make society better
Role of teacher in social recon
Role: provide authentic activities
goals for students in social recon
Goal: problem solvers, live comfortably in a world
educational leaders for social recon
Person: George Counts
Focus of existentialism
focus: where each student determines learning
sample activity for existentialism
Activity: students choose their preferred study and evaluate their own performance
Role of teacher for existentialism
Role: seeks to relate to each student honestly
Goals for students existentialism
Goal: accept personal responsibility
Educational leaders for existentialism
Person: A.S Neill
Focus for essentialism
Focus: Core curriculum, traditional values
Sample activity for Essentialism
Activity: to develop particular skills
Role of teacher in essentialism
Role: model academic moral virtue
Goals for students essentialism
Goal: to be model citizens
Educational learners for essentialism
Person: William Bennett
Focus for Perennialism
Focus: analyzing great books
Activity for perennialism
Activity: philosophical issue or the meaning of great work
Role of teacher for perennialism
Role: scholarly role model
Goals for students for perennialism
Goals: to increase their intellectual powers
Educational leaders for Perennialism
Person: Robert Hutchins