A teacher's philosophy of education is all of the following except:
A static document that never changes
All of the following are questions that relate to metaphysics except
What is truth?
Mr. Jackson attempts to inspire his students to look to the future and find reasons for studying and learning. This is an example of
Metaphysics in the classroom
Which of the following questions best relates to epistemology
What are the limits of knowledge?
Learning to use higher-order thinking skills and moving through Bloom's taxonomy are examples of
Epistemology in the classroom
The determination of what's right and what's wrong is called
Miss Thompson teaches her students how to treat one another and how to respect each other's property. Which of the branches of philosophy does Miss Thompson demonstrate?
Logic is used in all of the following except:
Defining reality
Which of the following questions relates to logic?
is an idea or conclusion valid?
At Carver Middle School, rules are paramount and are taken very seriously. The curriculum focuses on a traditional core of classes, and the teachers focus heavily on standards and testing. Which philosophy of education is being demonstrated at Carver Middle School?
The writings of Homer, Shakespeare, Melville, and Einstein are an essential component of curriculum in which philosophy of education?
Which of the following educators established Summerhill School in England that emphasized learning?
A.S Neill
All of the following educators were major proponents of social reconstructionism except
Maxine Greene
In Mr. Breamer's art class, eleventh-graders determine what is beautiful and artistic. Which of the branches of philosophy does this demonstrate?
Which of the following approaches to teaching is considered teacher-centered?
All of the following questions relate to axiology except:
How do we acquire knowledge?
Ms. Kramer looks outside her classroom window and notes that the day is sunny and dry. She decides to take her students outside for recess, giving them an opportunity to use their energy. Which type of logic does Ms. Kramer use?
The philosophy based on the belief that ideas are the only reliable form of reality is
Proponents of romanticism believe all the following except
There should be a balance if power among all people
Ms. Peterson believes that teachers should promote individual learning and should teach the whole child. She also believes that knowledge leads to self-discovery and that instruction should include alternatives and choices, and should require decision making. Ms. Peterson is most likely a(n)