Summary of the major events that happen in each of the chapters in this section.
They are walking back from the movies.

Cherry and Marcia see some Socs so they get scared but they pass. The Mustang comes back and start sweet-talking the girls, they threaten to fight the Greasers. They don't fight because the girls go with them. Johnny and Ponyboy go to the lot and fall asleep. Ponyboy races home and gets into a huge fight with Darry.

Darry hits him and Ponyboy leaves. He finds Johnny and runs away. They end up at the park and the Socs show up. The Socs are trying to drown Ponyboy. Johnny kills one of the Socs. Johnny and Ponyboy find Dally.

Dally gives them money and a gun. They hop on a train and hide in an abandoned church.

What does Cherry is the real separation between the Socs and the Greasers?
Who is Mickey Mouse and why is he so important in Sodapop's life?
a horse; Soda works at the stables where Mickey Mouse is/ Mickey Mouse doesn't like anyone else besides Soda/ it is one of the things that will love Soda
Why does Ponyboy remind Cherry that they both watch the same sunsets?
they aren't that different even though they hang out with different people
Why is Ponyboy surprised when Cherry tells him with whom she might be likely to fall in love?
Dally isn't that like able/ Dally upset Cherry at the movies
Explain Ponyboy's motivation for running away.
Ponyboy lost track of time so Darry was yelling and it got heated and Darry hit him.
What did the Socs do to make Johnny kill Bob?
they were drowning Ponyboy
characterize Dally
Dally is a wild, cunning, rude, violent, and tough guy who has girls falling head over heels for him.

What does Dally give Ponyboy and Johnny to take with them to Windrixville?
$50, a gun, and a shirt and jacket for Ponyboy
How long do you think the boys will be able to hide out at the church? Why?
Not a long time. They will get tired of hiding out and the gang and the police would start looking for them.