Dr. Colerick believes that the way society views a person with an intellectual disability results in a handicap for that individual. Dr. Colerick is a proponent of which view of a disability?
Sociological Perspective
Ms. Calabrace, a school psychologist, believes that the prevalence of disability in our schools can be clearly predicted using test scores distributed on a normal curve. Ms. Calabrace has which view of disability?
Deficit Perspective
Mr. and Mr. Chee acknowledge that their son is different from his teenage peers, but they believe that these differences are to be celebrated. They are shocked when, at their son's IEP meeting, it is suggest that a transition plan to be developed to help him be independent after high school, as intend for him to be cared for by his siblings and others in their community. The Chees have which view of a disability?
Cultural Perspective
Special education is based on the fundamental premise of
Civil rights
Considering the appropriate use of people first language, indicate the most acceptable phrase.
Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Which of these sentences uses an acceptable exclusion to people first terminology?
A Deaf student just enrolled in our class
Which of the following caused Congress to take action regarding the education of students with disabilities in the 1970s?
Most students with disabilities were excluded entirely from school, or were not receiving appropriate services
The first law guaranteeing the rights of students with disabilities to a free appropriate public education was
PL 94-142, The Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Mr. and Mrs. Habbian want their son, who has an intellectual disability, to be educated with his peers as much as is appropriate and possible. Which component of IDEA does this refer to?
Section 504 and the ADA are considered to be all of the following EXCEPT
Educational laws
One benefit that IDEA provides for family members includes procedures to follow when they do not agree with schools about the education planned for or being delivered to their children. These procedures are referred to as
Due process
Normalization activities include all of the following except
Attending a special school for students with similar educational needs
Alberto has been identified as having ADHD and qualifies for special education services according to IDEA, he would be classified under the ___ category
Other health impairment
Which special education category is a noncategorical identification used for children between the ages of 3 and 9?
Developmental delay
Dr. Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard is best known for
Designing instructional techniques to teach Victor, the "wild child"
Madelyn receives services to address her articulation and fluency problems, which qualify her under the ____ category
Speech or language impairment
Which of the following is NOT one of the IDEA special education categories?
Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet started an educational institution for people with
The first legislation passed by Congress that included protection to the rights of students with disabilities was
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Major provisions of IDEA include
The abbreviation IEP stands for
Individualized education program
The term "related services" may refer to
Speech therapy, physical therapy, assistive technology; ALL OF THE ABOVE
The overall purpose of special education is to
Make it possible for all individuals with disabilities to achieve to their fullest potential
Definitions of disability differ because of differences in attitudes, believes, orientation, discipline and culture: TF
The terms 'disability' and 'handicap' are synonymous: TF
The Education for All Handicapped Children's act was the precursor to IDEA: TF
FAPE states that all SPED services required by a student with a disability re to be provided at minimal cost to student and family: TF
SPED is based on individually-determined educational program: TF
Special education is most clearly defined as
Individualized education for students with special needs
___ help(s) all students with instructional activities, while providing greater access for people with disabilities by removing or reducing barriers
Universal design for learning
One common element that supports UDL is
Mr. Jackson teachers all the students in his 6th- grade social studies class the same content, but he uses different instructional methods that match various learning needs, preferences and styles. Mr. Jackson uses ____ in the classroom
Differentiated instruction
Audrey Beth has a learning disability. She is required to learn the same content as her peers, but is allowed to give her worksheet answers orally in some classes, and receives extra time to complete assignments in other classes. These changes to Audrey Beth's education are
Instructional accommodations
Mary Elizabeth has an intellectual disability. She is not required to master all of the objectives in the general education curriculum, and is allowed to complete alternative assignments. For example, instead of writing a five page paper on ecosystems in her science class, she drew a poster of a rainforest ecosystem. The changes to Mary Elizabeth's education are referred to as
Instructional modifications
Stephen is a 7th- grader with a visual disability. Which of the following would be an appropriate accommodation for his social studies class?
Provide him with the textbook on audiotape and let him listen to his assignments
Mr. Thomas, a special education teacher, serves as a resource to the general education teachers in his school. He determines appropriate accommodations for the students in class, and helps design services and supports that the teachers can implement in their classrooms. Mr. Thomas design services and supports that the teachers can implement in their classrooms. Mr Thomas
Is a consulting teacher
Jesse remains in his general education class for most of the day, but goes to a special education class for help with reading and language arts. What type of service delivery is Jesse receiving?
Resource room
Mr. and Mrs. Chakraborti want their daughter to be educated with her non disabled peers as much as possible. Which aconym represents the principle of IDEA that guarantees this right?
If ____, then a medical service is usually considered to be a related service
A school nurse can provide the service needed by the student in school
The main purpose of the pre-refferal stage is to
Avoid unnecessary assessments and placements in special education
Baylor has just gone through the Identification step of the IEP process, where it was determined that he did NOT have a disability. What will happen next?
The IEP process will be discontinued
During the Eligibility step of the IEP process, two issues must be resolved: ___ and ___
Whether the child has a disability; whether the child qualifies for special education services
Emmett has just found eligible for special education services. The next step in the IEP process is
Development of the IEP
Which stage of the IEP process determines whether the student is meeting the goals and objectives specified in the IEP?
Evaluation and reviews
Which of the following is NOT one of the procedural safeguards provided to parents though IDEA?
Parents have the right to place their child in private schools and public expenses
IFSPs are designed for students ages
Birth to three
One important principle when developing IEPs is that
All of the students needs must be met
IEPS are available to
Any educator who interacts with the child
Jamie, a special education student, has been expelled from school for assaulting a teacher. Before Jame was expelled, his IEP team needed to
Determine that this behavior was not a result of his disability
Which of the following is NOT an example of a testing accommodation for a student
An assistant provides the answers
___ is/are a form of performance measure that use(s) work generated by the student
Alternate assessments
CBM is useful because it
Helps the teacher determine whether the instructional methods being used are efficient and effective
Which model allows people to maintain their various languages, cultures and instructions while encouraging their participation in society as a whole
Cultural pluralism
The melting pot model led to
Racism and segregation
The students at Northside High School-who come from predominatly white middle or upper income families- have much higher scores on state wide tests than do students from Southside highschool, who come from predominantly lower income Latino and African American families. This scenario illustrates an example of
Achievement gap
Mrs. Brocklebank provides many opportunities for her students to respond in class. When she asks a different question, she gives a student plenty of time to think and respond. Further, when a student answers incorrectly, she guides them through the necessary reasoning until they can ascertain the correct answer. Mrs. Brocklebank
Has high expectations for her students
Vinna is from a cultural group that is not Eurocentric or of mainstream America. She is considered to be
Culturally diverse
One thing that teachers can do to reduce cross cultural dissonance is to
Engage in critical self reflection regarding their expectations, beliefs and behaviors
Mrs. Campbell learns that her student Kendall is of Hawaiian heritage. Ms. Campbell should
Learn more about Kendall and her culture and plan her instruction accordingly
Ms. Mondragon understands the cultural standards of the Hispanic, African American, and native American students in her classroom. Ms. Mondragon would be considered
Culturally competent
The South Valley School District's curriculum is infused with lessons that incorporate aspects of many different cultures to help tach concepts and enance the learning of its diverse population. This is an example of a ___ curriculum
Culturally responsive
Guillermina speaks Spanish as her native language. Guillermina is considered
Culturally responsive
Approximately how many years does it take to acquire complex language abilities required for academic work
Five to seven
ESL classes conduct instruction primarily in
BICS or conversational English is
A level of English mastery that is adequate for general communication, but not necessarily for academic learning
CALP or classroom English is
A level of English mastery required to access the general education curriculum and profit from instruction
The rule-based system of communication is known as
The vocal production of language refers to
The ___ contributes to the communication process by providing the air and pressure necessary to produce speech sounds
Respiratory system
An illegal hit with an elbow in football causes damage to Peyton's tounge, lips and teeth. Peyton has damaged components of his
Speech mechanisms
The ___ contributes to the communication process as the air expelled from the lungs causes the vocal cords to produce sounds and also controls changes in pitch
Vibrating system
Saul has unintelligible speech that interferes with communication. Saul has
Speech impairment
Megan says something to Leila. Communcation has occurred when
Leila understands the message as megan intended it to be understood
Abnormal production of speech sounds is referred to as an ___ problem
The rate of flow pattern of a person's speech describes
When harper talks, people have to lean in closly to hear her because her voice is so soft. Harper has a problem with
Ping has trouble with the "I" sound, which does not exist in her native language. Which function of form does this represent
Which of the following is an example of phonology?
"clicking" sounds found in Swahili and Native American languages
The intent and meaning of spoken or written statements defines
The application of language in various communications in the social context of the situation
A child who says "the ball is WED" instead of RED is an example of what articulation error
A child who says "pay the piano" instead of "play the piano" is demonstrating an example of what articulation error?
Ella runs to her mother and says, Mommy, I MISSDED you rather than MISSED is displaying what type of articulation error?
AJ's teacher notices that he has difficulty following multistep directions and understanding class lectures. AJ may be having trouble with
Receptive language
___ is defined as "what a speaker needs to know to communicate appropriately"
communicative competence
There is a strong correlation between communicative competence and
Social competence
Which related service provider provides direct therapy services to students with speech or language impairments, while also consulting with special education and general education teachers?
What is the abbreviation of the professional organization of specialists in speech or language impairments?
To enhance a student's expressive language development, a second grade teacher might
Ask for clarification when a student uses nonspecific vocabulary
Huaquing's speech is unrecognizable. She communicates with others using an electronic device into which she types or programs information. This information is then "read" back to listeners by the device. Huaquing is using a
Speech synthesizer
Victor was born with an opening in the roof of his mouth that causes too much air to pass through his naval cavity. This results in a speech impairment. Which condition does victor have?
Cleft palate
Jessica has a cleft palate. As a result, she is being fitted for a device that will create a closure between her oral and nasal cavities where the soft palate is missing or damaged. Jessica is being fitted for an
The first services in the public schools for students with speech or language impairments were for youngsters who
Stuttering is more likely to occur when the conversation is
Complex or stressful
As she helps her two and three year old students put their socks and shoes on after naptime, Ms. Moreno talks about how socks keep feet warm and keep shoes from rubbing blisters on feet. She also talks about how shoes protect our feet from shartp rocks and hot pavement. Ms. Moreno is helping to develop her students ___ skills
Why is it so important to teach phonological skills to young children?
Young children who lack these skills appear to be at great risk for reading failure later
Patrick groans when he sees his score on a history test. His groan is an example of
A communication symbol
The comprehension and use of signs and symbols which represent ideas and the rules that govern these signs and symbols is
Stuttering is an example of a dysfunction in
What are the three aspects of language
Form, content and use
___ is the rule system of language, comprised of phonology, morphology and syntax
The prefixes "re" and "mis" at the beginnings of words are examples of
A noun preceding a verb in the English language is an example of
The application of language in various communications in the social context of the situation describes
SLPs are available to
All of the above
___ is the most important goal for students with speech or language impairments
Communicative competence
Anna Claire's speech is unrecognizable. She communicates with others using an electroc device into which she types of programs information. This information is then "read" back to listeners by the device. Anna Claire is using a
Speech synthesizer
What technology is increasingly replacing basic communication boards
A speech/language pathologist is a related services provider who diagnoses and treats speech or language impairments: TF
Stuttering is an example of a language impairment: TF
Syntax determines where a word is placed in a sentence: TF
Although stuttering can cause embarrassment and frustration, people who stutter typically maintain the same types and levels of occupations and social relationships as their peers: TF
Children who stutter have explicit underlying language deficiencies in language knowledge or language capabilities: TF
Good pre- and post-natal care can reduce or eliminate many speech or language impairments: TF
Early intervention makes a critical difference in the lives of children with speech or language impairments: TF
___ is a characteristic associated with learning disabilities because poor school performance cannot be explaind by a students intellectual potential
unexpected underachievement
Which child described below exhibits unexpected underachievement ?
Jasmine, grade 4, performs at the fourth grade level in all areas except reading, which is at the second grade level
Which problem below is the primary reasons for current dissatisfaction with IQ/achievement method of identifying learning disabilities
Students must wait until they are performing poorly in school to get help, which often does not occur until 3rd or 4th grade
Kyle is a second grader who has very poor reading skills. His teacher has tried several proven methods for reading instruction, but to no avail. Based on this info, kyle is displaying characteristics of
Resistant to treatment
Reza is having trouble learning to read. His teacher provides increasingly intensive classroom interventions aimed at improving his skills. When he fails to make adequate progress with these interventions, his teacher feels that he is resistant to treatment and a good candidate for having a learning disability. Which method of identifying learning disabilities is being used with Reza?
Response to intervention
Marcus remembers a reading comprehension strategy that he learned in the resource room and applies it in his science and social studies classes. He is demonstrating
The self explanations about the reasons for ones success or failure are called
Skander does not believe in himself and does not try to learn, resulting in a dependency on others. This is referred to as
Learned helplessness
Which statement below was probably NOT made by a student exhibiting learned helplessness?
"I'd done better if I'd just studied a little harder"
Remembering the Great Laks by associating them with HOMES is an example of
A mnemonic
Who used the term dyslexia and developed remedial techniques for children with severe reading problems?
Samuel Orton
Which of the following children may be at risk for having a learning disability?
Greg, a four year old who does not know the letters of the alphabet
5 year old Orhan hears the word mud and says M-U-D, breaking the word down in to smaller parts. He also has fun making rhyming words, even if they are nonsensical words. Orphan has strongly developed ___ skills
phonological awareness
Although six year old Kemal can identify the letters of the alphabet, he is unable to sound out groups of letters to identify a word. Kemal has difficulty with
Research findings suggest that
Students who do not acquire core reading skills early on become poor readers
Which type of measurement system uses direct and frequent measurements of student performance; is sensitive to different learning patters and expecations; and provides feedback to teachers about the effectiveness of their instructional methods
Ms. Esperanza is using CBM to monitor her students' progress in math She has just finished administering and scoring the weekly math probe. What is her next step?
Graph the scores
Ms. Estrella is a first yer teacher working with students with learning disabilities. When selecting instructional techniques, she should be sure to
Choose techniques that are verified through rigorous research
Wyatt has a learning disability. When choosing a college, he should
Find out what comprehensive services are offered by its office of disability services
All of the terms below are associated with ADHD EXCEPT
Developmental delay
A Child who is described as having a heightened alterness to the enviorment, which reduces his ability to pay attention in class, would
Qualify as having ADHD under the federal definition, but only if it adversely affects his educational performance
Due to concerns about hyper activity, Emile is being assessed for ADHD using the DSM-V criteria. According to these criteria, he must exhibit all of the following EXCEPT
Marked improvement when under medical treatment
Eli works all of the math problems on a page, even though his teacher specifically told him to work only on the odds. Eli is exhibiting which key characteristic of ADHD?
During a sciene test, most of the students remain in their seats working quietly. Peyton, however, taps his pencil until the lead breaks and gets up to sharpen it three times. He also jumps up and walks to the teachers desk to ask questions, rather than simply raising his hand. Peyton is disaplaying which key characteristic of ADHD?
Reggie has just begun taking piano lessons at a nearby music studio... on these days Reggies raises his hand each time a teacher asks a questions of which he doesn't know. Reggie is displaying which key characteristic of ADHD?
The cognitive abilities that control the ability to plan, self regualate and engage in goal directed behavior are referred to as
Executive functions
Which of the following focuses on the elimination of problem behaviors and on their replacement with positive behaviors
Behavior modification
Sugary diets, food additivies and poor child rearing practices
Have been targets of treatment for hyperactivity, without research to validate these practices
Farris has ADHD, but does not qualify for SPED services. Which of the following statements is true?
He may recieve accommodations, such as extended time on tests or assignments through section 504
Rafik has ADHD with comorbidity. This means that
He also has another disability
Which of the following is NOT an appropriate responsibility for a teacher whose tudent is on medication for ADHD?
Recommend changes in the dosage based upon observations
Many assistive technology devises used by students with ADHD do not call undue attention to the individual because
People with and without disabilities use them
In the 1970s, the process/product debate pitted direct instruction approaches against ___
Cognitive therapy
Which of the following is a practice proven through reseach to be effective in improving the academic success of students with learning disabilities?
Explicit instruction
Although it does not require documentation, the federal definition indicates that a learning disability may be due to
Minimal brain dysfunction
Kris is a 4th grader with a reading/learning disability. Based on information in your text, Kris probably
Learns reading skills differently than his peers, at a slower rate
The ability to perceive and interpret social situations, generate appropriate social responses and interact with others is
Called social competence
Students with learning disabilities
Are victimized more often than their peers
ADHD is more likely to be identified in which child?
A boy who displays acting out behaviors
Chandru is a student with ADHD in your class. Where would you put his desk?
In a quiet corner
Students with learning disabilities appear quite similar to students who are low achievers when reading skills are compared: TF
Unexpect under-achievement is a defining characteristic of learning disabilities: TF
Students with learning disabilities show poor academic performance in only one subject: TF
A Pre-k'r who has difficulty discriminating the sounds in the word cat is at risk for having a learning disability: TF
Early intervention is a powerful tool for reducing the long term impact of a reading/learning disability: TF
Teachers should always select instructional techniques that have been proven through research and keep data about students progress: TF
ADHD is a listed as a distinct disability category in IDEA '04: TF
Children with ADHD with eventually "grow out of their problems": TF
There are clear physiological differnces between the brains of people with ADHD than their non adhd peers: TF
Identification of adhd in Pre K is very difficult: TF
Dario is an African American teenager who, along with many of his neighborhood friends, is now immersed within the juvenile justice system. Based on information in your text, which of the following events probably had the greatest impact on Dario's entrance into juvenile delinquency?
Being suspended from school
When conducting an FBA, Mr. Miller notices that Jason's behavioral outbursts occur after a teacher has handed him a worksheet to complete. When Jason displays this behavior, he is sent to the principal's office. In this case, the act of sending Jason to the office would be considered the
___ first proposed more humane methods of caring for children with emotional problems
Benjamin Rush
Ten-year-old Casey refused to line up at the door after recess. Instead, he shoves past the other students, yelling that he has to be the first one in the door. Casey is displaying a ____ deficit
Rashna has been identified as having emotional disturbance. In order to qualify for special education services, the IEP team must also determine that
Her education performance has been adversely affected
Carlo's behavioral outbursts have been attributed to his disability, but he currently has no behavioral intervention plan in place. What is the first step his IEP team should take?
Conduct a functional behavioral assessment and implement a behavioral intervention
Which type of disorder is often underidentified?
Internalizing behaviors
An example of an internalizing behavior problem is
Jennifer has a conduct disorder. Which of the following is most likely true?
She does not qualify for IDEA services, but she may qualify for accommodations through section 504 and ADA
An example of an externalizing behavioral problem is
The IDEA definition of emotional disturbance requires at least one of the characteristics to
Preset over an extended period of time
Ms. Lane wants to reduce the disruptive behavior of one of her students. Which of the following would most likely accomplish this?
Teach well, with engaging lessons
A child must exhibit a recurrent pattern of behavior characterized by at least ___ symptoms in order to be identified as having oppositional defiant disorder by the DSM-V
Principal Skinner has just prohibited paddling and spanking in his school. In other words, he has just banned
Corporal punishment
Which student is more likely to be referred and identified as having an emotional or behavioral disorder?
Jamal, an African American male
In response to his noncompliance, Miguel's teacher has confined him to a small room where he is physically prevented from leaving. Miguel's teacher is implementing
Jay is an aggressive three-year-old. His parents should be
Extremely concerned, as three is a clear link between early aggression and adolescent delinquency
Mr. Adams has divided his 4th grade classroom into two teams. He keeps track of the number of times that students exhibit noncompliant or disruptive behavior. At the end of the day, each team with fewer than a pre-set number of disruptions earns a reward. Mr. Adams is implanting which of the following
The good behavior game
Carlo is a student with an emotional or behavioral disorder. He got in a fight with another student who does not have a disability. That student was placed in the in-school suspension program for 5 days. Which of the following may happen to Carlo, according to IDEA?
Carlo can be place in in-school suspension, but his IEP services must be provided in that setting
Fifteen-year-old Lani has an intense fear of gaining weight. She refuses to eat more than a few bites of food at every meal and, although she is severely underweight, views herself as obese. Lani is displaying symptoms of
Ethan has an intellectual disability. Part of his educational program involves helping him to make decisions, choose preferences, and exercise the self-advocacy needed for independent living. These skills are all examples of
Self-determination skills
Which adult with an intellectual disability will probably express the highest level of satisfaction with his or her life?
Thais, who is employed in a store in her community
Alejandro, an adult with an intellectual disability, wants to live independently and go to work just like everyone else. This is consistent with the philosophy of
Which statement related to childhood lead poisoning is accurate?
Lead continues to sleep into the environment because it is still used in jet fuel and in some industries
Marnie is pregnant but continues to consume alcohol on a heavy, regular basis. Her unborn infant is at risk for
Mr. Venkatesan teaches high school students with intellectual disabilities. He wants to make sure that they are prepared to have a community presence when they leave school. What does this mean?
He want his students to be able to participate in typical daily life activities like going to work and socializing with friends
Two-year-old Jalaya is receiving early intervention services from a PT and SLP in her home. What will most likely happen when she turns 3?
She will transition to a preschool program, where she will continue to receive these services
Jacquey has an IQ of 42. Although she showed marked developmental delays during childhood, she is able to live semi-independently in a group home setting. She has held a steady job for several years, which she found and maintains with the help of a job coach. Under which level of severity would she be classified
Moderate intellectual abilities
Which of the following promotes e-mail communications between indiviudals with intellectual disabilities and peer volunteers without disabilities?
When learning self-determination skills, individuals with intellectual disabilities must
Receive explicit instruction and practice in real-life settings
Reading street signs and taking phone messages are examples of
Functional curriculum
Danny's family is looking for natural supports to help him get to and from work. Which of the following is an example of a natural support?
Having his father drop him off and pick him up on his way to work
___is based on the premise that people with intellectual disabilities should experience life's challenges and not be overprotected
dignity of risk
Which of the following would NOT be considered a personal outcome for an adult with an intellectual disability who had benefited from a system of supports?
Higher intelligence scores
Which virus can be prevented, and the incidence of intellectual disabilities reduced, through immunization?
All of the following are adaptive skill areas listed in the AAIDD definition of intellectual disability EXCEPT
Emma has a condition where the 21st pair of chromosomes has three rather than the normal two chrmosomes. Emma has
Down syndrome
Based upon information regarding the three adaptive skill areas, which of the following is not a practical adaptive behavior?
Counting money
Why did the organization formerly known as the AAMR promote the change of terms from mental retardation to intellectual and developmental disabiltites?
Because of the negative stigma associated with the term mental retardation
One important premise of PBIS is
Prior to activities such as birthday parties or other social events, Nicole complains of stomachaches. Her mother notices that she appears uneasy and confused about how to interact with other children. She is displaying signs of
An anxiety disorder
The work of Wolf, Baer and Risley was instrumental in the development of
Applied behavioral analysis
The IDEA definition of emotional disturbance requires at least one of the characteristics to
Persist over an extended period of time
Iheana is a college sophomore who is thinking of majoring in education, but is worried about increasing violence in the schools. Ileana should know that
Aggressive incidents are actually on the decline, and extreme violence is comparatively rare
When conducting an FBA, Mr. Miller notices that Jason's behavioral outburst frequently occur after a teacher has handed him a worksheet to complete. When Jason displays this behavior, he is sent to the principals office. One hypothesis could be that the function of Jason's behavior is to
Avoid doing the worksheet
Mr. Derrick is works with adults who have intellectual disabilities, providing vocational skills training and supervision in the community and in actual job settings. Mr. Derrick is a
Job coach
All of the following are defining characteristics of intellectual disabilities EXCEPT
Difficulty with motor skills
Which of the following is an acceptable explanation for why many high school students with intellectual disabilities are not educated in general education classrooms?
They are receiving a specialized education in the form of community based instruction
Marianna has an intellectual disability and receives employment support through her support through her state's vocational rehabilitation office, which is an example of a ___ support
Sylvia has an intellectual disability. Using the AAIDD definition, this means that her disability originated before age
Which genetic disorder which is the most commonly inherited cause of intellectual disability?
Fragile X syndrome
When learning self-determination skills, individuals with intellectual disabilities must
Receive explicit instruction and practice in real life settings
Hunter has an IQ of 60, maintains a steady job and goes out every Friday night with several friends. Under which level of severity would he be classified?
Mild intellectual abilities
Gonzalo's pancreas does not produce enough insulin, resulting in problems with his sugar metabolism. Gonzalo has which of the following conditions?
A problem with the structure or functioning of the body refers to
an orthopedic impairment
Jace's health situation is precarious. He has a chronic health problem that results in limited strength, vitality, and alertness, which subsequently has a negative impact on his academic performance. Jace has a/an
health disability
Which condition is primarily responsible for the dramatic increase in the other health impairments category?
According to IDEA, a student who suffers from sickle-cell anemia should be classified as having a/an
other health impairment
There are times when Ms. Dismuke is sure that Jennifer is daydreaming or nearly falling asleep. She catches Jennifer blinking or exhibiting involuntary arm movements. In fact, Jennifer is experiencing seizures during that time period, but is unaware of the fact. Jennifer is having ________ seizures.
Which organization provides camping, sports and other activities for children with very serious health conditions?
best buddies
Kailyn has a hereditary disorder which causes a distortion of the red blood cells, thus restricting their passage through the blood vessels. Kailyn has
sickle cell anemia
Cillian faces physical challenges because his body is impaired due to a physical deformity. Cillian has a/an
physical disability
Donald has ________, a condition of recurrent convulsions or seizures caused by abnormal brain electrical activity.
According to the organizational scheme in your text, which of the following would NOT be considered a chronic illness?
hep b
A child who has difficulty controlling his movements, but whose disability is not neurological, has a/an
muscular/skeletal condition
Olympian runner Oscar Pistorius had both legs amputated when he was 11 months old. He runs on special carbon-fiber blades, which are an example of
________ orchestrated wheelchair sit-ins, demonstrations, and lobbied Congress for rights for individuals with disabilities.
ed roberts
Central County has a particularly high rate of sickle cell anemia among its children. Which of the following identification procedures would you recommend to county leaders as a quick, inexpensive means of early identification?
newborn screening
A building that was designed according to the principles of ________ would be barrier free and meet the needs of everyone, including people with physical challenges.
universal design
Which condition is primarily responsible for the dramatic increase in the other health impairments category?
Skai lacks the stamina to sit for extended periods of time. Which of the following would be an appropriate accommodation so that Skai can take an hour-long algebra test?
break the test into smaller pieces
The federal government considers physical disabilities and health disabilities as separate categories. (TF)
Which of the following is NOT a neuromotor impairment?
Piper has a specific plan and set of services that were designed in response to her individual health care needs. This is called a/an
individualized health care plan
A large percentage of Geoffrey Canada Elementary School students are experiencing illness due to infections and diseases. What could you recommend to school leaders to easily prevent many of these from occurring?
have teachers implement universal health care precautions and enforce vaccination policies
Bella wants to go outside, so she hands a picture to her mother that conveys her desire. Bella is using which validated practice?
Mickey has ASD. He frequently engages in disruptive behavior, including purposely banging his head on his desk. Mickey's head-banging behavior is an example of
The CDC now estimates that the ASD prevalence rate is 1 in
All of the following are indicative of ASD at a very early age EXCEPT
shares and shows toys to others excessively
The IDEA definition of autism requires that the condition
adversely affects academic performance
When working with preschoolers with ASD, Ms. DeVault uses a highly structured technique that uses teacher-directed activities, repetition of skills through practice, and careful application of rewards. Ms. DeVault is using
discrete trial training
________ is a group of disorders or conditions which share some characteristics and behaviors originally described under the classification of autism.
autism spectrum disorders
Dr. Keiper is studying a young child with ASD. She describes his behavior in terms of the events that stimulate, maintain, and increase the behavior's likelihood. Dr. Keiper is engaged in
applied behavior analysis
Murray demonstrates significant impairments in social interaction and communication, but shows no repetitive or stereotyped behaviors. According to the proposed DSM-V criteria for ASD, Murray
does not have autism
Which of the following is NOT one of the typical behavioral traits of children with ASD?
academic deficits
Definitions of ASD generally agree that symptoms of the disorder are evident by age
Mr. Alonzo has expertise in applying principles of behavior to develop interventions for students with ASD and other disabilities. Mr. Alonzo is a
behavior analyst
Dr. Bordelon is the special education director for a small school district of approximately 15,000 students, 52% of whom are boys. Assuming her students are similar to those in the national population, about how many boys with ASD can she anticipate in her district?
Keone developed normally until he was 5 years old, when his parents noticed a marked regression in his language and social skills. Keone is displaying characteristics of a child with
childhood disintegrative disorder
Dr. Andrew Wakefield faked research on the link between childhood vaccinations and ASD
in order to make money
Because of the efforts of Bob and Suzanne Wright and Autism Speaks,
millions of dollars have been given to ASD research
One benefit of PECS is that students who use it
learn to initiate requests
Which person's erroneous theories about "refrigerator mothers" and absentee fathers being the cause of autism caused untold devastation for families?
Bruno B
Bernard Rimland
dedicated his life to studying autism after his son was diagnosed with the condition, and founded what is now the Autism Society of America.
Isha has ASD. Her parents are looking for apps that will help her communicate more effectively. They should
consider apps that focus on communication characteristics
Who is credited with first identifying ASD when he described children who displayed "extreme autistic aloneness"?
Leo Kanner