What did the narrator teach?
What two darknesses did boys growing up in Harlem have?
Darkness of their lives and the darkness of the movies
Who was the narrator's brother?
Why did the boy from the school courtyard believe that Sonny's trouble was his fault?
He told Sonny that "it" felt good
What did the narrator give the boy at the subway?
When did the narrator finally write Sonny?
After his daughter, Gracie, died
When Sonny wrote his brother, what did he want him to do for him
Meet him when he returned to New York
Name the narrator's wife?
What was the difference in ages between the two brothers?
Seven years
Where did Sonny want to go when he was fourteen?
In what way were Sonny and his father alike?
They were both private
When the narrator remembers his mother, what day is it and what color is she wearing?
Sunday afternoon/pale blue
Who did "mama" talk about the last time the narrator talked to her
His father's brother
What happened to Father's brother?
He was run over by a car full of drunk white men
What was the brother carrying on his back?
A guitar
What did the father think every time he saw a white man?
That he might have been the man that killed his brother
What did Mama want the narrator to do for Sonny?
Let him know he was there; hold on to him and not let him fall
What did Sonny want to do for a living?
To be a jazz musician
What instrument did Sonny FIRST play; what did he want to play?
What jazz musician did Sonny admire?
"Bird" nickname for Charlie Parker
The narrator put jazz musicians in the a class that his Daddy had called what
"good-time people"
Where did the narrator want Sonny to live after his mother's death?
With Isabel and her parents
What did Sonny want to do instead of staying in Harlem and finishing school?
Join the army or navy
What did they have at Isabel's house that made Sonny say he would try to stay with them for a year?
A piano
How did Isabel's parents find out that Sonny wasn't going to school?
A letter from the school board
Where had Sonny been going instead of school?
Greenwich Village with musicians in a white girl's apartment
How did Isabel know that Sonny was gone for good from her home?
All his records were gone
Where did Sonny go after leaving Isabel's parents home?
Joined the navy (Greece)
What happened to the relationship between the two brothers when they returned from the war?
They fought
What did the narrator do to keep from crying when Sonny shut the door on him?
Whistled (You going to need me, baby, one of these cold, rainy days)
What did the two-year-old narrator's daughter die of?
On a Saturday afternoon after Sonny had been back two weeks, what did the narrator watch from his window by the barbecue joint?
A revival meeting
The three sisters and brother were dressed in black and playing what instrument?
A tambourine
What did Sonny say the "singing" sister reminded him of and why?
What heroin feels like in your veins/warm, cool, distant and in control
What did Sonny believe could come again?
Drug addiction
What enormous black man with a big voice met the brothers at the nightclub?
How many were in Sonny's music group?
The narrator discovered that a musician must fill an instrument with what?
The breath of his own life
The narrator learned that Sonny could help us to be free if we listened and that Sonny would never be free until what?
We listened
What did the narrator send up to the Blues Group?
A round of drinks
What did Sonny drink?
Scotch and milk