Why must Billy hunt at night?
Coons only come out at night
Where is the coon treed?
the big sycamore
What suggestion did Grandpa have to keep the coon in the tree during the night?
build a scarecrow
How was Billy's prayer answered?
The wind blew the sycamore tree down
How much was a coon skin worth?
What did Billy do with the money he earned from his coon skins?
gave it to Papa
What did Billy's mom do with the first coon skin?
made a coon skin hat
When Ann cut her foot, Billy locked her in the _______?
Which dog did Billy think was smarter?
What happened to Little Ann?
fell into the icy river
What happened when Billy tried to walk out to get her?
ice started to break
How does Billy get Ann out of the icy river?
with the handle of his lantern