Roman Emperor. In 284 CE, he set out to restore order. He divided the government into two parts, made many reforms: fixed prices of goods, sons had to follow in fathers occupation, forced farmers to remain on their land.
Diocletian's co-emperor. Ruled the western provinces. Diocletian's partner
rapid rise in prices
Roman Emperor. Talented general. Gained the throne in 312 CE. Granted toleration toward Christians. Established a new capital in Byzantium. Continued Diocletian's reforms.
old Byzantium, capital
Germanic Peoples
lived east of Rhine and north of the Danube rivers. Attacked Rome, and later became allies.
nomadic people who migrated from central Asia to Eastern Europe in 370 CE. They were skilled rider who fought to dislodge the Germanic Peoples.
crossed Roman's territory. seeked safety. Germanic. EAST.
Germanic, crossed Roman's territory, seeked saftey. WEST.
Germanic, moved through Gaul and Spain to North Africa. SOUTH.
Hun leader. "Scourge of God"- punishment for sins of humankind.
Germanic leader who ousted the emperor in Rome in 476 CE
People who were paid to fight. Usually foreign, weren't loyal to country.
370 CE
Huns migrate from central Asia to Eastern Europe
378 CE
Roman army tried to turn back the Visogoths, but they suffered
410 CE
Visogoth general, Alaric, overran Italy and plundered Rome
434 CE
Attila led a conquest across Europe- invasion sent more Germanic people to the Roman Empire
476 CE
Odoacer- led to the "fall" of Rome
Marcus Aurelius
ruled between 96- 180 CE
Circes Maximus
Rome's largest racecourse
"bread and circuses"
government provided free grain for the poor
Mystery Religion
small religious groups that promised different rewards;emphasized secret rituals
appointed king sent by god
jewish revolt
66 CE jewish rebellion against rome
Jesus' 12 disciples (followers)
not open minded to other ideas; group of jews in palestine apposed to roman rule
96 CE- 180 CE
Marcus came to power
31 BCE - 180 CE
Pax Romana
31 BC- 14 CE
eAgustus in power
380 - 390 CE
christianity became the official roman religion
63 CE
Romans conquered judea( southern part of palestine)
66 CE
jewish discontent led to rebelion
Jesus born in Bethleham
284 CE
Diocletion made Reforms
"Exalted One" who ruled over the Roman republic until AD 14 with reforms such as the census
Population count
Pax Romana
The 200 year span that began with Augustus and ended with Marcus Aurelius and was a time of "Roman Peace"
a government in which the people choose some of the officials
members of the landowning upper class
the farmers, merchants, ect. class (basically the middle class)
the two people in the Roman senate who would supervise business of the government and command army (served for one year)
ruler who had complete control over the government
he was a model dictator who organized the Roman army and led them to victory
the elected leaders of the Plebeians who had the right to veto laws
to reject a decision or proposal by a law making body
Roman military unit that had 500 men
800 BCE
Latins migrate to Italy
the people who the Romans shared the peninsula of Italy with and lived North of Rome (Romans adapted their alphabet, architecture, and some Gods from them)
509 BCE
Romans overthrow Etruscan ruler
Carthaginian general who led his army from the Pyrenees to Italy winning many battles during the second Punic War
the Roman general who drove Hannibal back to Carthage
the belief in establishing control over foreign lands and people by expanding power
huge estate that slaves worked on
Tiberias Gracchus
elected tribune in 133 BCE and attempted to reform by distributing land to the poor
Gaius Gracchus
elected tribune in 143 BCE and attempted to reform by using public funds to buy grain and feed the poor
Julius Caesar
Roman military commander who ruled for 4 years and then murdered because they thought he was going to make himself king
264 BCE - 146 BCE
Punic Wars
Punic War #1
Rome defeated Carthage and won the islands of Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia
Punic War #2
Carthage wanted revenge so the Carthaginian general Hannibal led to Italy winning many battles but unable to make it to Rome because Scipio drove him back to Carthage
Punic War #3
Rome completely destroyed Carthage and Rome became the masters of the Western World
133 BCE
Rome had control from Spain to Egypt
58 BCE
Julius Caesar conquered Gaul
48 BCE - 44 BCE
Julius Caesar had control of Roman government and he encouraged many reforms during this time
44 BCE
Caesar murdered
City of God
a book that augustine wrote that said the city of god was the entire spiritual community