Why was Sam Tatum tarred and feathered?
He was a black man who called a white man a liar.
What happens to Cassie and Lillian Jean?
Cassie bumps into Lillian Jean
What happens when Uncle Hammer hears how Simmses treated Cassie?
Uncle Hammer doesn't confront Mr. Simms because Mr. Morrison talks him out of it.
What surprise does Uncle Hammer have?
A brand new Packard (car)
What does T.

J. admire at the Barnett Mercantile?

a gun
Big Ma and Mama think there is something wrong with Cassie because...
she is restless in her sleep and stays indoors a lot.
The Logan land was once
Granger land.

Instead of whipping her children for going to the Wallace store, Mrs. Logan
takes them to see the man whom the Wallaces burned.
Stacey and Cassie are allowed to go to the market because
they will keep T.J.

from bothering Big Ma.

At the market, Big Ma parks the wagon at the back of the field because
only whites are allowed at the front.
Cassie reminds Mr. Barnet that he isn't finished with T.J.

's order

because she thinks he's forgotten about them.
Big Ma makes Cassie apologize to Lillian Jean
to avoid further trouble.
Uncle Hammer's way of dealing with the injustice done to Cassie was to
angrily go for revenge
Stacey is given something special by Uncle Hammer. What is it?
a coat
When Uncle Hammer forces the Wallaces off the bridge,
Mrs. Logan is concerned about revenge.