A person's average body mass index (BMI) is the lowest between the ages of:
Excessive weight and obesity
Today's children could become the first generation in more than 100 years to have a shorter lifespan than their parents as a result of:
"She isn't eating enough"
Parents of a typical 5-year-old girl in America are MOST likely to say:
Eat a well balanced meal with a variety of foods
To ensure adequate nutrition and vitamin intake, what is recommended?
Cow's milk, eggs, nuts, soy, wheat and shellfish
A common allergy for young children is:
Tooth decay
One of the most common diseases of young children in developed nations is:
What proportion of all children under the age of 6 in the United States from tooth decay?
Has as much acid as regular soda
Sylvia wants to keep her son from getting cavities, so she lets him drink diet soda instead of regular soda. Her dentist tells her that strategy won't work because diet soda:
Fine motor skills
Preschoolers often have trouble trying their shoe laces because they have inadequate:
At what age does any specific diseases overtake accidents as a cause for human mortality?
Injury control/harm reduction
Instead of accident prevention, health workers prefer the term:
What is the leading cause of death among children between the ages of 1 and 4 years old?
Which environmental substance has been shown to reduce intelligence and increase behavior problems in young children?
Prefrontal cortex 1
The part of the brain where planning, language, and advanced thought occur is the:
Corpus callosum
The long band of nerve fibers hat connect the brain's hemispheres is:
A disorder that research has suggested may result from abnormal development of the corpus callosum is:
About ___ percent of the people in Great Britain and the United States are left handed.
Emotions, especially fear
The amygdala is a brain structure that registers:
Terrifying nightmares and sudden phobias
The increased activity of the amygdala is a reason that young children experience:
Stress can lead to weight gain since having too much cortisol in one's bloodstream has been associated with increased abdominal fat. Cortisol is the hormone released by the _____ when a person is stressed.
500; 10,000
By the age of 2, a child will typically have a vocabulary of _____ words; by the age of 6, a child will typically have a vocabulary of _____ words.
Age of 2
Children typically understand the basics of grammar by the:
The structures, rules, and techniques used to communicate meaning in language are called:
Another language
In 2010 in the United States, 21 percent of children spoke English at school and _____ at home.
Is fluent in 2 languages and doesn't favor one over the other
Four-year-old Graciela is a balanced bilingual, which means that she:
Most teacher-directed preschool programs stress:
To make children "ready to learn" when they enter elementary school
The goal of most teacher-directed preschools is:
In the United States, low-income children are offered a free preschool education through:
Of lowest family incomes, those living in rural areas and those with disabilities
An evaluation of Head Start found that benefits were MOST apparent for children:
Their peers
Young children usually play best with:
Solitary, onlooker, parallel, associative, cooperative
What are the types of play identified by Mildred Parten?
Throwing and catching, pretending to be adults, drawing
What are forms of play engaged in by young children in all cultures?
According to the text, people in _____ believe that preschoolers do not need instruction. As a result, their 3-year-old children spend little time engaged in structured learning activities.
Billy and Rodney are both building with construction bricks. They are sitting apart, each with his own set of bricks. What type of play is this?
Peer acceptance and healthy self concept
A child's active play during the childhood years correlates with
What is one of the functions peers provide in active play?
Rough and tumble
Play that mimics aggression through wrestling, chasing, or grabbing, but is not intended to harm is called _____ play.
Use a play face
Just as monkeys do in their rough-and-tumble play, human children:
Prefrontal cortex 2
Rough-and-tumble play has been associated with the development of the _____ area of the brain since it helps children to regulate their emotions, practice social skills, and strengthen their bodies.
Tiara, Molly, and Maria are playing dress-up. They are all princesses and have built a castle out of cardboard boxes and colored paper. What type of play are the three girls engaging in?
When parents expect unquestioning obedience from their children, their parenting style is labeled:
Permissive 1
Jose demonstrates warmth and nurturance towards his children. He does not believe in punishment of any sort and does not have any rules for his children. His parenting style is:
Raise children who become consciententious, obedient and quiet but not especially happy
Authoritarian parents often:
Authoritative 1
Parents who set limits, enforce rules, and listen receptively to their children are exhibiting the ______ pattern of parenting.
Permissive 2
Children who lack self-control are most likely to have parents who have the ______ parenting style
Sample not diverse, focused on attitudes not actions, temperamental differences, some permissive give verbal guidance, some authoritarian are affectionate
What is a criticism of Baumrind's classification of parenting styles?
Authoritative 2
Young children tend to learn the most from teachers who use which style?
By the age of ______, children are convinced certain toys are appropriate for one gender but not the other.
Compared to parents in the United States, ______ as many Canadian parents use slapping, pinching, or smacking as a form of punishment.
Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Israel, Italy, Norway, New Zeeland, Sweden
In which country is physical punishment of a child illegal?
Any intentional harm or avoidable endangerment
Which of these acts would be considered child maltreatment?
Abuse or neglect
In order to be substantiated child maltreatment, _____ must be verified by the authorities.
Poverty, social isolation, inadequate support, immaturity of caregiver
What are risk factors that makes child maltreatment more likely?
4 times
The number of reported maltreatment cases are _____ the number of substantiated maltreatment cases.
Professionals in particular jobs are more likely to report and notice it
What is the MOST probable reason child abuse is underreported?