According to behaviorists, ____ is any relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior
Psychologists who believe that learning involves experiences that changes the
cognitive psychologists.
Cognitive psychologists define learning as a ____
mental; behavioral
The reason fish and tadpoles are born able to swim
both a and b
Complex human learning is largely a result of ____.
both a and b
The reason we are more likely to stop at a red light than at a green light is because
we learn that stopping at red lights is associated with avoiding accidents and tickets.
A students preference for a grade of "A" rather than a "F" is most likely the result of
classical conditioning.
Ivan Pavlov is best known for his research in
classical conditioning.
Ivan Pavlov was originally attempting to identify ____.
neural receptors in the mouths of dogs
While attempting to identify neural receptors that trigger salivary glands, Ivan Pavlov did
Ivan Pavlov provided evidence that reflexes can be learned through
The reasons that Ivan Pavlov's dogs began salivating in response to an assistant entering
both b and c are correct
Pavlov referred to learned salivation as a ____. Today it is better known as a(n) ____.
conditioned reflex; conditioned response
A trained salivary response was called the ____ by Pavlov.
conditional reflex
According to the ____ perspective, an organism learns the association between two stimuli
How do behaviorists explain Pavlov's classical conditioning results?
The dog has learned the association between paired stimuli.
From the ____ perspective, the dog in Pavlov's experiments salivated in response to the bell
The cognitive psychology view of classical conditioning states that
All of the above
In regard to Pavlov's classical conditioning experiments,
The dogs mentally connected the bell with the meat powder.
he behavioral view of classical conditioning focuses on simple ____ of stimuli
pairing; mental
In Pavlov's original experiments, the bell was at first a ____ stimulus.
A dog can be trained to salivate when a bell is sounded by
pairing the sound of the bell with the delivery of food.
In Pavlov's experiments, meat powder elicited salivation. Salivation in this case was the
Your dog starts to salivate when you use the electric can opener to open his can of dog food
During Pavlov's classic experiments, after conditioning, the bell was the ____
With Pavlov's classic work, before conditioning occurred, ____ was the UR, and ____ was the US.
salivation; the meat powder
A conditioned response is a(n)
learned response to a previously neutral stimulus.
You walk past Pizza Hut and salivate in response to the aroma of freshly baked pizzas. This is
classical conditioning.
Johnny is tormented in the schoolyard every day by a bully with bright red frizzy hair.
You are walking along and suddenly startled by the loud sound of a truck backfiring
While sitting in her Jeep at a red traffic light, Lauren heard a loud screech
____ usually takes only one trial to condition successfully.
Taste aversion
While on vacation, twelve years ago, Benjamin became extremely ill when he ate some shrimp
taste aversion.
Taste aversions are fascinating examples of
classical conditioning
To control the rat population in urban settings, the health department scatters bags of corn and
taste aversion
Taste aversions differ from other instances of classical conditioning because
both a and b
Taste aversion poses a problem for strict behaviorists because
the CS and US are not contiguous.
One way that taste aversion is different from other examples of classical conditioning is that
taste aversion usually takes only one trial.
Unlike other forms of conditioning, taste aversion is powerful and rapidly acquired, suggesting that
has adaptive significance
The results of a study of taste aversion, rats were conditioned with sweetened water, light, and
All of the above
Continued presentation of the CS in the absence of the US will result in
extinction of the CR
Alex, your dog, has just been switched from dry dog food to canned dog food.
the sound of the bag losing its status as a CS for Alex.
Mimi, your cat, comes running into the kitchen every time you use the electric can opener.
Eventually, the sound of the electric can opener will lose its status as a CS for Mimi.
According to the ____ perspective, extinction changes a person's mental representation of
During Pavlov's classic experiments, he would pair a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned
acquisition trials.
The term extinction can be a bit misleading because
we see spontaneous recovery of CRs.
Why would the term extinction be a possible misnomer?
because we see spontaneous recovery of CRs
Pavlov's dogs experienced extinction trials, however a few days later, Pavlov sounded the
spontaneous recovery.
Because of the phenomenon of spontaneous recovery, psychologists believe that
the CR is not really extinguished but merely inhibited during extinction trials.
____ is the tendency for a conditioned response to be evoked by stimuli that are similar to
Your little brother learned that a cow says "moo moo"
When a young child sees a cow and calls it "doggie," this is an example of
stimulus generalization.
____ is the tendency for an organism to distinguish between a CS and similar stimuli
A baby cries in response to faces of strangers but smiles when he sees his mother's face. This is
Your dog barks and growls to the sound of a stranger's car engine pulling into your driveway
Your front doorbell has a higher pitch than your back doorbell
Both generalization and discrimination are
Your child fears going to the doctor because on her last visit she received a painful treatment.
higher-order conditioning.
After the bell became an effective CS, Pavlov then paired it with a light
higher-order conditioning.
As a young child, the white coat of your pediatrician elicited a fear response in you
higher-order conditioning
The most thrilling part of a rollercoaster ride is the speed of the rapid descent
higher-order conditioning.
Many fear responses are acquired through the process of ____ conditioning.
Pairing a pleasant stimulus with a fear-evoking object or situation describes
Your mother has a fear of cats. The psychologist repeatedly pairs her love for classical music with
Your dog is upset and agitated around your new cat
Watson conditioned fear in Little Albert by presenting a white rat with
The rat; the loud sound
Little Albert's experienced generalization of his fear to a
all of the above
After being conditioned to fear a white rat, Little Albert cried in the presence of other furry objects such as a
he two behavior-therapy methods of flooding and systematic desensitization are based on the principle of
A child who is afraid of the water is tossed into a swimming pool to teach him how to swim is an example of
You are absolutely terrified of dogs
To reduce Patty's fear of horses, a behavior therapist took her immediately to the nearby horse farm
Peter has a phobia for dogs. The behavior therapist has him relax and just think about dogs
systematic desensitization.
To reduce Mary Ann's fear of birds, a behavior therapist had her relax and think of a bird
systematic desensitization
Behavior therapists prefer systematic desensitization over flooding as a behavior therapy to reduce fears because
the process of relaxation and gradual exposure to varied forms of the feared stimuli is more pleasant.
The major difference between counterconditioning and flooding is that counterconditioning
repeatedly pairs a pleasant stimulus with the fear-evoking stimulus
In ____ conditioning the focus is on how organisms form anticipations about the environment
classical; operant
Pavlov is to Skinner as
classical conditioning is to operant conditioning.
Stimuli that increase the frequency of behavior are referred to as
During World War II, B. F. Skinner was to head-up "Project Pigeon," where
he would train pigeons to guide missiles to their targets.
An involuntary response is to classical conditioning as a voluntary response is to ____.
operant conditioning
In operant conditioning an organism learns to respond because
of the consequences of the behavior.
Which of the following best illustrates operant conditioning according to Skinner?
A dolphin is given a fish every time it jumps through a hoop.
A Skinnerian therapist treating a patient with depression would focus on
all of the above
The psychologist who used the operant chamber for efficiently testing operant methodology is
In operant conditioning the manner in which the first reinforced response is made can
all of the above
Which of the following is not an example of a reinforced behavior?
ringing a bell before a dog rolls-over
The two types of reinforcers distinguished by Skinner are
positive and negative
When a behavior is followed by negative reinforcement, the behavior is likely to
Any stimulus that, when presented, increases the likelihood that a behavior will continue is called a(n)
positive reinforcer.
Any stimulus that, when removed, increases the likelihood that a behavior will continue is called a(n)
negative reinforcer.
Because you set your alarm every night, you always get to work on time
negative reinforcer
Amy always comes home on time when she's out with her friends and never violates the curfew set by her parents. This behavior is strengthened by a
negative reinforcer
Which of the following statements about immediate versus delayed reinforcement is correct?
The short-term consequences of a behavior often provide greater incentive than the long-term consequences.
Reinforcers can be
all of the above
Food, water, and warmth are examples of ____ reinforcers.
Money is a secondary reinforcer because it
may be used to get primary reinforcers
Since secondary reinforcers are associated with established reinforcers, they are sometimes called
conditioned reinforcers.
Which of the following best describes giving a dog food after rolling over?
A positive, primary, immediate reinforcer was given.
Working hard to avoid the loss of your paycheck next week is an example of a
negative, secondary, delayed reinforcer
Extinction in operant conditioning involves
all of the above
Positive reinforcement is to increasing behavior as ____ is to decreasing behavior
Spontaneous recovery describes the event in which an organism performs
a previously extinguished response.
Spontaneous recovery of extinguished responses in operant conditioning supports the notion that the
behavior was not permanently lost.
____ work to increase the likelihood that a behavior will be strengthened
Negative reinforcers; punishments
The term reinforcement was preferred over the term reward because
mental processes were involved in learning.
B. F. Skinner arrived at a number of reinforcers ____
Punishment is an aversive event that ____ the frequency of the behavior it follows.
Exposure to physical punishment in childhood has been associated with the all of following behavior patterns EXCEPT
below average reading skills.
Avoidance of punishment is supported by the following:
all of the above
A problem with the research on parental punishment and childhood aggression is
most of the studies were experimental.
The time-out procedure attempts to avoid the possibility of ____ a child's misbehavior.
To reward or positively reinforce children which of the following needs to be followed?
All of the above
The text gives an example of a pigeon getting rewarded for
pecking behavior when the light is off will become extinguished.
A stimulus that indicates reinforcement is available is called a ____ stimulus.
We stop at a red traffic light and go when it is green because individually, both lights serve as
discriminative stimuli.
In the movie Jurassic Park, the tyrannosaurus rex would respond to moving stimuli and
discriminative stimulus.
Which of the following illustrates continuous reinforcement?
You become less thirsty every time you drink a glass of water.
When you are beginning to train your dog to "sit," it is most effective to put him on
continuous reinforcement.
fter your dog has learned to consistently come to you on command, it is wise to put her on ____
partial reinforcement
All of the following are examples of reinforcement schedules except
fixed intermittent.
A fixed interval schedule is best described as providing reinforcement after
equal intervals of time
A car dealer's summer and fall incentive programs are an example of a
fixed interval schedule.
Professor Fournier gives a quiz every Monday. His students would then tend to ____
study on Sunday nights; fixed-interval
A variable interval schedule is best described as providing reinforcement after
varying spans of time.
A teacher announces that there will be pop quizzes throughout the semester. This is an
variable interval schedule
A fixed ratio schedule is best described as providing reinforcement after
a fixed number of correct responses are made.
A variable ratio schedule is best described as providing reinforcement after
a variable number of correct responses have been made.
A slot machine is an example of a
variable ratio schedule.
You are paid $29 for every five doghouses that you paint. This is an example of
fixed ratio schedule
Individuals who buy lottery tickets on a regular basis are usually on a ____
Operant conditioning has been used to remotely guide rats through mazes by
All of the above
Reinforcing successive steps towards a behavioral goal is called
Breaking complex behaviors down into smaller steps, and reinforcing those steps sequentially as
Encouraging the members of a dance class at the completion of each individual step best describes
The most effective method for teaching complex behaviors is
To efficiently train a rat to press a lever, you should reward
the first response that the rat makes in the direction of the lever
When we train a rat to press a lever using shaping, we reinforce all those behaviors for
successive approximations
Carl and "his amazing canines" are an act in the circus
To train a young child to eat with a spoon, you should reinforce small steps until she gets
The most efficient way to train your dog to "sit" would be
to push his backside down and reward him.
All of following demonstrate how operant conditioning influences the behavior of
Children learn to anticipate that thunder follows lightening
People and lower animals have learned to control autonomic responses in
biofeedback training
When individuals receive biofeedback training to, say, lower their blood pressure, reinforcement is
____ is used with people who have lost neuromuscular control of parts of their body
Biofeedback training
If parents ignore children's desirable behavior ____ is likely to occur
Adults frequently reinforce undesirable behavior in children by ____ them
both a and b
Placing a disruptive child in time out where the child is in a restrictive environment and
Operant conditioning can be effective in which of the following circumstances
all of the above
Programmed learning was developed by
B. F. Skinner designed an educational practice based on
programmed learning.
All of the following apply to programmed learning except
learning experiences are structured to include a few errors, so that people can learn from their mistakes.
Cognitive psychologist describe and explain behavior using concepts such as
all of the above
A rat that was allowed to roam freely in a maze without reinforcement,
cognitive mapping.
Tolman showed that rats can learn about their environment without reinforcemen
learning and performance.
E. C. Tolman's work on latent learning demonstrated that
rats can learn a maze in the absence of reinforcement.
The significance of Tolman's research on latent learning was that
rats could learn a maze in the absence of reinforcement, suggesting they acquired a cognitive map.
The contingency theory for classical conditioning was proposed by
Robert Rescorl
The contingency theory suggests that the learning in classical conditioning occurs
ccording to contingency theory, a randomly presented conditioned stimulus and
the conditioned stimulus does not provide information about the unconditioned stimulus
Rescorla's research on contingency theory supports a cognitive perspective in
merely pairing stimuli cannot account for learning.
Results of research on latent learning and observational learning suggest
Learning can occur only if the operant is reinforced
Bandura's research suggests that we can learn
through observational learning.
Learning that is not mechanically acquired through reinforcement
William's dad was a gardener. William often played in the yard
Every day you walk across campus, passing many
latent learning.
According to Bandura a person who engages in a response to be imitated is a
Dana liked to watch her mom prepare dinner when she was a little girl
When a young child saw her older sister receive extra money for helping clean up around the
vicarious reinforcement
Which of the following is NOT true regarding media violence in America?
TV programs generally show the harmful long-term consequences of aggressive behavior.
Observational learning research suggests that media violence provides viewers with
According to the text, media violence is said to do all of the following EXCEPT
encourage nonviolent behavior.
Media violence could ____
disinhibit; the media aggressor was rewarded
Repeated exposure to TV violence may cause ____
Viewers of media violence are more likely to imitate media violence when
all of the above
Research shows that playing violent video games is associated with
All of the above
Research suggests that the effects of exposure to media violence may be influenced by all of the
athletic ability.
Research on media violence concludes that
there is circular connection between media violence and aggressive behavior.
All of the following are family factors that contribute to the likelihood of aggression in
parental rejection.
To help a child who watches violent programs act less aggressively one should inform the child that
all of the above