Which of the following is a physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction
Which of the following is an example of vector quantity
Identify the following quantities as scalar or vector: the speed of a snail, the time it takes to run a mile, the free-fall acceleration
scalar, scalar, vector
Multiplying or dividing vectors by scalars results in
Which of the following is an example of projectile motion
a thrown baseball
In a coordinate system, a vector is oriented at angle 0 with respect to the x-axis. The x component of the vector equals the vector's magnitude multiplied by which trigonometric function
cos 0
A football player runs in one direction to catch a pass, then turns and runs twice as fast in the opposite direction toward the goal line. Which of the following is a correct expression for the original velocity and the resulting velocity and the resulting velocity
V players -2V player
What is the path of a projectile (in the absence of friction)
a parabola
Which of the following exhibits parabolic motion
stone thrown in a a lake
A piece of chalk is dropped by a teacher walking at a speed of 1.5 m/s. From the teacher's perspective, the chalk appears to fall
straight down
In a coordinate system, the magnitude of the x component of a vector and 0, the angle between the vector and x-axis are known. The magnitude of the vector equals the x component
divided by the cosine of 0
Multiplying or dividing vectors by scalars results in
Which of the following is an example of vector quantity
Which of the following is not an example of projectile motion
a hot-air balloon drifting toward Earth
A passenger on a bus moving east sees a man standing on a curb. From te passenger's perspective, the man appears to
move west at a speed that is equal to the bus's speed
For the winter, a duck flies 10.0 m/s due south against a gust of wind with a speed of 2.5 m/s. What is the resultant velocity of the duck
7.5 m/s south
Which of the following is the motion of objects moving in two dimensions under the influence of gravity
projectile motion
Identify the following quantities as scalar or vector: mass of an object, the number of leaves on a tree, wind velocity
scalar, scalar, vector
Which of the following is a physical quantity that has a magnitude but no direction