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AP World History Bentley Ch. 1

Paleolithic Societies made up of hunter gathers with stone tools and an equal society Neolithic Agricultural societies that had more food which allowed for villages and a group of specialized…

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Ch 15 Biology

Which of these events occurred earliest in the history of Earth? Formation of Oxygen Which of these events occurred most recently in the history of Earth? First Humans Which of…

Ap World History Ch. 6 Terms

Bedouin Nomadic pastoralists of the Arabian peninsula; culture based on camel and goat nomadism; early converts to Islam. Shaykhs (sheiks) Leaders of tribes and clans within bedouin society; usually men…

World History - Chapter 20 Vocab

Christopher Columbus Italian navigator who discovered the New World in the service of Spain while looking for a route to China (1451-1506). Los Indios Indians October 12, 1492 Date in…

World History Module 4 dba and test

John Wycliffe (4.04) In the 1370s, English theologian and philosopher John Wycliffe began to attack some of the beliefs and practices of the Church. Wycliffe had three main criticisms. First,…

History of Jazz Quiz #2

Congo Square a place where slaves were permitted to dance, now called Louis Armstrong Park, danced in ring-shouts Minstrel show developed before the Civil War. White performers would wear black…

Biology 1407 Ch 26 Vocab

analogy -think analogous -critical in reconstructing phylogenies -no common ancestry binomial -Linnaeus instituted a two-part format for Latin scientific names -italicized -consists of the genus name and the specific epithet…

Final Exam in US History 2

Causes of World War I Set of secret alliances Large military build up among the word powers Arguments over colonies What was America’s initial reaction to World War I? remain…

Art History Renaissance to Modern Test 1

The Annunciation, Nativity, and Adoration of the Shepard Nicola Pisano, Pisa Pulpit Baptistery, 1259-1260, Marble Madonna Enthroned with Angels and Prophets Cimabue, 1280-1290, tempura on wood, Uffizi Florence. Madonna Enthroned…


Crimes against persons include assault, robbery and the threat of nonphysical harm. true A homicide in which the offender wanted to physically hurt the victim but did not mean to…

AP World History Key Concept 2.2

The number and size of key states and empires grew dramatically by: Imposing political unity. What are the 6 key states/empires and their locations? Southwest Asia: Persian Empire East Asia:…

World History Ch. 12

land reform under the Tang Dynasty resulted in stronger central government under the Tang and Song dynasties, China’s two min classes were the gentry and the peasantry China under the…


The process of advising a patient about treatment options is known as a. patient consent. b. treatment consent. c. applied consent. d. informed consent. d. informed consent Sally Smith is…

Ap World History Key Concepts

Key Concept 1.1 Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth -Archaeologists have found evidence that these people travelled around in small, foraging bands that were basically egalitarian. Because they…

History of the World in 6 Glasses

Beer Egypt and Mesppotamia Social Consumed by everyone Rich and Poor Used as religious ceremonies Neolithic Period Beer was a reason for people to adopt agriculture It was a discovery…

A.P World History geography map

East Asia China Japan Republic of China(Taiwan) North Korea South Korea SE Asia Cambodia Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Myanmar (Burma) Singapore Thailand Vietnam South Asia Afghanistan Bangladesh India Pakistan SW Asia…

U.S. History Unit 7

Hooversvilles Nicknames of shantytowns that acted as temporary communities during the Great Depressio Bonus Army World War I veterans who marched on Washington D.C. demanding payments for their service Douglas…

CHapter 4 us history quizlet

Mercantilism an economic system whereby the government intervenes the economy for the purpose of increasing national wealth Key law of Mercantilism The Navigation Acts Exports British: Sugar Colonies: Tobacco, rice,…

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