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AP World History Chapter 17 Test

Define revolution. Complete change in the economic, political, and/or social system of a nation or civilization. What are revolutions usually brought about by? Force (war). What are revolutions sometimes caused…

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Chapter 12 AP World Vocab

Hangzhou Capital of later Song dynasty; located near East China Sea; permitted overseas trading; population exceeded 1 million Wendi Member of prominent northern Chinese family during period of Six Dynasties;…

U.S. History Chapter 18 Section 1

United Nation (UN) Peacekeeping body of nations satellite nation Country dominated by the Soviet Union containment Effort to block Soviet influence by making alliances and supporting weaker nations iron curtain…

World History: Chapter 29 Vocabulary

Appeasement Policy of giving in to an aggressor’s demands in order to keep the peace Pacifism Opposition to all war Neutrality Acts A series of acts passed by the U.S….

Biology- Vocab. Chp. 17

classification grouping of objects or organisms based on a set criteria taxonomy is the discipline of biology primaril concerned with indentifying naming, and classifying species based on natural relationships binomial…

Texas History Timeline

1685 Explorer La Salle builds french colony at Lavaca Bay 1690 Spain builds outpost in East Texas to block french trespass 1718-31 Spain concentrates its power in Texas at San…

US History 1302: Exam 3

UN Security Council Who- U.S, France, Great Brittan, China, & Russia What- Ensures Anglo American Influence on world events When-1946 Where-NY/ Courts; Hague Netherlands Why- Security Council can Veto Dr….


System software works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details T/F: System software is a single program: False, it is a collection…

APUSH America's History Henretta Chapter 1

Tribute Aztec demanded this from subject people in the form of gold, textiles, turquoise, obsidian, tropical bird feathers and cacao. Matriarchy Popular among some Native American groups where power was…

"American History" Vocabulary

apparent easily seen or understood humiliation state of feeling ashamed or embarrassed impulse sudden desire to do something without thinking about the results intention plan, purpose linger to stay on…

Test 1-history 202

Whig Platform – Up until the civil war -Public spending and federal control of the economy -president lincoln and the republicans in congress -Legislation that was put into place during…

American History Exam 1

Christopher Columbus 1492 Columbus encountered the Americas on his way to find a middle passage to Asia. He changed the world, actually settled it. Bartolommeo Dias and Cape of Good…

ID's - History 7A Midterm - UC Berkeley

Ancestral Pueblo Anasazi – lived during Medieval Warm Period – adapted corn, beans, and squash to the high altitude of the Colorado Plateau. Had villages of “exquisitely executed masonry buildings.”…

Persian spice chart

Social Kings, preists, military, middle class, slaves (BIG % of population), religious cults, slave=prisoner of war or punishment, kings=gods Political Large military, 23 satraps=eyes of king, persepolis=main political center, expansive,…

american history- chapter 14

Andrew Carnegie head of the steel company; one of the first industrial moguls to make his own fortune; rags to riches vertical integration buying out of all the suppliers (same…

APUSH ch. 26&27

Dawes Act of 1887 attempt to “americanize” the indians giving each tribe 160 acres; after 25 years this property would become theirs (if they were good little whites) and they…

History Quizzes

What mountain range to the north of the Indian subcontinent separates it from Asia and is the tallest mountain range in the world? Himalaya Which one of the following geographic…

Chapter 12 Launchpad Questions

an impact on the growing prominence of Europeans after 1500 dramatic spread of the Christian faith to new regions The Fulbe shaped the history of Islam in West Africa through…

Nursing: Medical-Surgical Revew

Which method elicits the most accurate information during a physical assessment of an older adult? A. use reliable assessment tools for older adults B. Review the past medical record for…

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