At the end of World War II, there were over - school districts in Mississippi.
The last state university to be established in MS was -.
Mississippi Valley State University
________ - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

________ - students who helped the blacks during segregation in the South.
Freedom Riders
________ - over 1000 college students, mostly white, traveled to Mississippi to help blacks with the civil rights movement.
Freedom Summer, 1964
Three freedom riders who were murdered in the summer of 1964.
Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, Michael Schwerner
Where were they murdered?
Neshoba County
________ - legally ended segregation, made unlawful to discriminate.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
________ - was the Dixiecrat nominee for vice-president.

Fielding Wright
Thanks to the ________, thousands of soldiers were unable to attend college.
GI Bill
________ - passed by congress which sent federal registers to the south to register black voters
Voting Rights Act
In the early 1970's, segregated ________ developed for those unwilling to accept integration.
private schools
One of Mississippi's most successful ________ is catfish farming.
One of Mississippi's most successful agri-industries is ________.

catfish farming
After World War II, ________ replaced cotton as the major MS crop.
Mississippi has more ________ farms than any other state.
The _______ industry was revived due to new processing methods in the lumber mills.
Most of the gas/oil producing counties in Mississippi are in the ________ region sod the state.
South and southwest
The greatest natural disaster in MS since the 1927 flood was ________.
Hurricane Camille
________ was the first black to be elected mayor in MS since reconstruction.

Charles Evers
Where was Charles Evans mayor?
Fayette, MS
________, head of the MS NAACP, was assassinated by Byron de LaBeckwith.
Medgar evers
Who assassinated medgar Evers?
Byron de LaBeckwith
________, served in the state legislature for 40 years. He was one of the most powerful men in the state legislature.

"Buddie" Newman

The office of ________ was a very week office during postwar time is in MS due to power in legislature.
________ - first republican governor of MS since reconstruction.
Kirk fordice
________ - name given to groups that once ran MS politics.
________ - largest employer in MS.
________ - African American from MS appointed of secretary of agriculture by president bill Clinton.
Mike epsy