Families can obtain immunizations for children from
Local health departments Pediatricians Community health care clinics
The length of the incubation stage
Varies for each communicable illness Insignificant in the control of communicable illness
Teachers who are ill should
Follow the same exclusion guidelines set for children
Exclusion policies
Serve as guidelines for deciding when a child is too ill to attend group care
A pathogen is the
Organism responsible for infecting an individual
Most children 's communicable illness are the result of
Respiratory infections
The single most effective control measure against the spread of communicable illness is
Through hand washing
A child is most contagious during the
Acute stage
Giardiasis is a communicable illness that is transmitted
Through direct and indirect contact with infected fecal material
Written permission should be obtain for the administration of which medications
Prescription drugs Cough medicine Baby aspirin
Universal infection control precautions require the teacher to
Wear latex gloves when handling item contaminated with body fluids
Complete immunization is required of children
For admission to early childhood and school-based programs
Early signs of a developing communicable illness might include all of the following EXCEPT
A rash that is fading
Outdoor_ should be covered when not in use to protect them from contamination with animal feces
Sand boxes