To behave
To spit
Big mouth
To laugh
Drunk (person)
Ir a la pata coja
To hop
Fat person
To rock
Meter en un lío
To be in trouble
To swallow
To smile
Bata de baño
Beautiful woman
Rich woman
To wink
Junie B. Jones
The main character. She has trouble controlling herself and has a big mouth. She has a loose tooth. She gets in a bad situation because she wants to be a lot of stuff. He likes her parents but not her brother. He finds Ollie's pacifier under the rocking chair. She is a janitor.
Seño (Mrs)
The teacher in Room Nine. She claps to get the class quiet and gives announcements. She stands up for Junie in the end.
A boy in Junie's class. Junie hates him. Jim also corrects Junie about what police do. Junie headbutts him. On the bus, Jim points out that Junie is a copycat. He was a kung fu guy.
Junie's best friend. She acts like a lady. She is going to dress like a princess. She is a princess. Everything is new.
Junie's best friend. They normally skip to the bus together. She wants to be Mickey Mouse. She was Minnie Mouse. She starts the clap for Junie.
Bedel (Janitor)
Janitor is the janitor at the school. She catches Junie eating candy from the ground and has her spit it out. Junie likes him. He has to shine a light in William's mouth. Janitor talks to them at the end and lets them play with his tools.
The police officer that talks to them. He arrests people and takes them to jail, gives out speeding tickets, and arrests drunk people.
Dra Sonrisas
The dentist that talks to them. She gives them floss and gets the floss out of William's mouth.
The classmate that gets floss stuck in his mouth. He wants to be a superhero. He was a superhero.
Junie's mom. She is stressed out by Junie and caring for Ollie. She gets migraines. She catches Junie shining the light in Ollie's mouth.
Junie's baby brother. Junie doesn't like him because he can't do much and he takes away her attention from parents. He needs his pacifier or he won't stop crying.
Junie's dad. Junie loves him, but he has to help with Ollie.
Sr Woo
The bus driver that is nice to the kids.
Chapter 1
Junie B(eatrice) Jones is introduced. She is in kindergarten. Her classroom is called room nine. There are rules like no shouting, no running in the hall, and no butting the students in the stomach with your head. The Mrs claps and has an announcement. They are going to talk about careers that day. Junie says she has never heard of the dumb word before. Mrs tells her to raise her hand and then says next Monday will career day. Junie is not excited like everyone else because she does not know what she wants to be. She says that and and also that won't come to school Monday and probably flunk kendergarten. Jim says "hurray." Junie tells him to shutup. Mrs tells Junie to act better. Lucille says she always controls herself and Junie should act more like her. Junie says she can act good too and threatens Lucille. Mrs gives her a punishment by making her sit by herself at a desk. Junie doesn't like it and puts her hands over her head. At recess, Junie is in a bad mood and sits by herself. She plays with a stick and an ant. She sees two lifesavers and puts them in her mouth. Janitor makes her spit them out and explains that you can't blow germs off. Junie likes Janitor.
Chapter 2
They came in from recess and Mrs clapped and told them she had a surprise. Junie asks if it is jelly donuts. Those are her favorite. She also like cream and chocolate donuts. She drools a bit on her desk and wipes it with her sleeve. A policeman comes. Junie says that police rest people. They rested her neighbor and made him take a nap, she thought. Jim says she's stupid and that they arrest people and take them to jail. He calls her neighbor a jailbird and she is embarrassed. The officer, Mike, tells them what else he does, like give out speeding tickets and arresting drunk people. They play with his handcuffs and helmet.Then Dr Smiley comes. She tells them it is important to brush their teeth. Junie says it is because their breath stinks it they don't. Junie shows her a loose tooth. Dr Smiley then gives them green minty floss and shows them how to use it. William gets tangled in his. Dr Smiley ca't get it out until Janitor comes with a flashlight. The adults walk outside and the room buzzes. People talk about they will be. Lucille will be a princess. Junie will be a bullfighter and headbutts Jim. She doesn't get caught.
Chapter 3
Junie and Grace walk to the bus. They normally skip, but Junie doesn't feel like it. Grace wants to be Mickey Mouse. Junie tells her she can't because there is only one. Grace laughs and says it is just a costume. Junie said she is depressed because of that. She sits by herself, but it is too loud. Everybody talks about what they want to be.Charlotte will be a painter and Junie says she can do that because her grandmother complemented her once. Roger says he wants to be a prison guard because you get all the keys like his uncle. Junie wants to do that because she is good with keys. William shyly says he wants to be a superhero. Junie says she wants to do that because it sounds fun. Jim calls her a copycat and that she can't do all of them. Junie says it is only one job, but can't think of the name of it when asked. The bus laughs and she feels bad again.
Chapter 4
Junie comes home and yells about her problem. Her mom says to come to the nursery because she is with Ollie. Junie does and wakes Ollie. Ollie cries and mom says to wait because she has to get Ollie back to sleep. Junie thinks Ollis is a dud because he can't roll over, sit up, or play Chinese checkers. She plays with another stick and ant in the front yard. This ant bites her so she drops a rock on its head. Her dad gets home. She tells him about her problem and says that it can't wait till dinner because she waited as long as she can. The dad says too bad and goes to help with Ollie.
Chapter 5
Junie goes back inside and Ollie is still crying. They can't find the pacifier. junie looks in the couch and finds three cheetos and popcorn. Then Junie gets a flashlight and looks in dark places, like Ollie's room. She points some stuff out to him while he screams. Since he isn't showing courtesy, she points the flashlight in his mouth. Her mom walks in and Junie is in trouble. As she leaves, she sees the pacifier on the ground under the rocking chair. Her mom is about to give it back to Ollie, but Junie remembers about stuff being on the ground. So she washes it and gives it to Ollie. He stops screaming and they say "thank goodness." Then Junie figures out what she wants to be. She tells her parents and they say "ho boy."
Chapter 6
Junie gets on the bus. She shows Sr Woo her pants, keys, and paintbrush, but won't say what she is. Grace gets on. She is Minnie Mouse. Junie realizes all of disney land is a fib. William gets on dressed as a superhero. Roger gets on with handcuffs. Charlotte has an apron and some paints. Jim gets on in a bathrobe. Junie says she has one like it. He rudely says it is not a bathrobe. He is a kung fu guy. Junie is excited for job day.
Chapter 7
They get to school. Junie is very excited. She wants to go, but Lucille is more polite so she gets to go first. She is a princess and her costume is new. Her nana is loaded and says that if you marry a prince, you're set. Then Ricardo goes as a contruction worker. Wiiliam went as Super William and fell. Clifton goes as an astronaught. Lily is a movie star and director. Ham is a boss of a big company. Jamal Hall is the president. Junie goes and says hers is better than president. She is a janitor. Everybody laughs. She starts to cry. Mrs colds them and explains it is an important job. Janitor saves kids from dangerous stuff, unlocks the bathroom door, and paints the litter cans as Junie points out. Jim says you have to be a boy to be a janitor. Junie says Sesame Street and Oprah say differently. Grace starts to clap and everyone else joins in.
Chapter 8
Janitor comes for show and tell. They play name the Tools. She knew the saw and hammer. They play with the stuff. She and Jim fight over the mop and it is taken away. he tells them about his Job. His real name is Gus Valloney. Junie likes that name. They wink at each other. They tease her about dating him. She is embarrassed. The adults laugh and Janitor leaves.