The need to market products effectively in different countries illustrates the ____ imperative for studying intercultural communication.
Changes in the composition of the US population illustrate the ____ imperative for studying intercultural communication.
Ethnic conflicts in Bosnia and the Soviet Union as well as ethnic tensions in other multicultural nations illustrate the ___ imperative for studying intercultural communication.
Maria had never really thought much about her Italian heritage until she became friends with Aylin, an American of Middle Eastern descent. Through conversation and visits to Aylin's family, Maria gradually began to realize how many of her own behaviors were culturally determined. Maria's experience illustrates the _____ imperative for studying intercultural communication.
People who believe that behavior can only be judged within the context in which it occurs are operating from a ___ position of ethnics.
The term ____ refers to the ability of southern and Eastern European immigrants to "blend" into the general US population.
The expansion of business into markets around the world is known as _____.
Historically, the anti-immigrant movements
promoted violence against newer immigrants.
The study of intercultural communication in order to proselytize others without their consent illustrates an ____ issue about the application of intercultural knowledge, according to Martin and Nakayama.
Collectively, the values and perceptions of cultural group represents its ____.
Many Native Americans are soft spoken and hesitate to participate in classroom discussions. Amy, however, is a Native American who actively participates in class and often ask questions of her instructors. Amy's behavior illustrates that _____.
culture is dynamic and heterogenious
The fact that Berta uses her lips instead of her finger to point at an object across the room illustrates that communication is ____.
The idea that we are constantly sending and receiving messages which may change midstream illustrates that communication is ____.
Societies which are more likely to punish criminals than rehabilitate them probably see human nature as ___.
basically evil
Which relationship between humans and nature is illustrated by societies which place less emphasis on birth control, and tend not to interfere with rivers by building dams.
nature dominates
Many Guatemalans place great emphasis on extended families and are more likely to consult with family members when making important decisions. This culture probably has a ____ relationship between humans.
Carmen would rather spend time interacting and relaxing with friends than working. In fact, she recently turned down a promotion because it would mean she would see her family and friends less. Carmen probably grew up in a culture with a ___ value orientation toward human activity.
being (stress on who you are -- family over money)
The belief that one's own cultural group is superior to all other culture groups is known as ____.
People who go out of their way to engage in unimportant but positive inter-group behaviors (saying "I'm not prejudice") in order to convince themselves and others that they are not prejudice, illustrate the subtle form of prejudice known as _____.
Books that focus on the transmission and development of ideas or ways of thinking are called ___ histories.
A book about the lives of women pioneers in the old West is a form of ____ histories.
Jeff has a sword used by his great-great-uncle Frederick in the Civil War. When his father gave him the sword, he also told him the story of how Frederick died in the arms of his sweetheart who tracked him down in a make shift Army hospital. The history represented by Jeff's sword is known as a _____ history.
Stories concerning persecution of gays and lesbians during WWII are part of ____ histories.
sexual orientation
A book detailing the migration and resettlement of the Irish all over the world as a result of the potato famine in the late 1800s is a form of ____ history.
An explanation of the role of poverty in the migration of people from Central America to the US is a form of ___ history.
socioeconomic class
A person who wears a crucifix around their neck is probably communicating their ____ identity.
"Trailer park trash" or "white trash" are terms used to mark ____ difference in US society.
Anu was born in the US. Her parents were born in India. When Anu interacts with the children of other Indian immigrants, she is most likely enacting her ____ identity.
In the _____ stage of minority identity development, individuals internalize the values and norms of the dominate group and may have negative attitudes toward themselves or toward their group in general.
conformity (2nd stage)
A person with a strong sense of his or her own group identity and an appreciation of other cultural groups is probably in the ___ stage of minority identity development.
integration (4th stage)
A person who doesn't question the basic racial inequalities in society and who may even believe that minority groups need help to assimilate is probably in the ___ stage of their majority identity development.
acceptance (2nd stage)
The relatively short-term feeling of disorientation or discomfort due to the unfamiliarity of surroundings or lack of familiar cues in an environment is known as _____.
culture shock
Duncan has a white father and a Korean mother. He feels torn between the two different cultures. He has difficulty making decisions, is troubled by ambiguity, and feels pressure from both groups. Duncan is a ____ multicultural person.
_____ multicultural people see themselves as choice makers. They seem to thrive in their lives on the margins of two cultures.
constructive identity
The study of structure of language or how words are combined into meaningful sentences (e.g. the cat white or the white cat) is known as ____.
When the majority of a message is in the spoken words, the speaker is probably using the ____ communication style.
The ____ communication style emphasizes verbal messages which reveal a speaker's true intentions, needs, wants, or desires.
Many Arabic speakers use rick, expressive language in everyday talk. They probably are using an ____ style of communication.
Changing our communication style so we can be more effective communicators in another culture is known as ____.
David is gay, but few if his co-workers are aware of this. At work, he uses communication strategies that emphasize trying to fit in and be accepted by a dominate group. He talks about his nephews when his colleagues talk about their kids and he laughs at some homophobic jokes he doesn't really feel are funny. Darrel is using ____, strategies in order to assimilate.
Eduardo, a student who uses a wheel chair, goes to great lengths to prove that he is like the other students. He separates himself as much as possible from other people with disabilities and engages in self-ridicule to show that he is humble. Eduardo is using an ____ assimilation strategy.
____ separation strategies (e.g. attacking and sabotaging others) are used by those for whom co-cultural segregation is an important priority.
Cliff is in the process of producing an English target text that refers to an article written in Portuguese (source text). Cliff is engaged in ____.
Stanley shakes his head no and ducks his eyes but doesn't say anything when his instructor asks him if he has his essay to turn in. Stanely has used nonverbal behavior to ____ verbal behavior.
substitude for
Which of the following is NOT true about the eye contact of most U.S. Americans?
It is rude, it shows disrespect (true: paying attention, showing respect)
Kerry starts to gather her books, pens and papers together before the instructor is looking in her direction. Kerry is using _____ to communicate.
People with a ____ concept of time tend to regard time as a commodity.
Which of the following is not typically communicated by nonverbal behaviors?
(communicated nonverbally)
Jonah tells Katrina he is glad to see her but then he doesn't smile or look at her frequently and seems preoccupied with something else. Jonah has used nonverbal behavior to _____ verbal behavior.
Nodding our head while saying yes illustrates that nonverbal communication can ____ verbal communication.
Four noble truths
Eightfold path
Five pillars
Ten commandments
Judaism and christianity
Who founded Sikhism
Guru Nanak
Who founded Buddism
Gautama Buddha
Who founded Judaism
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Who founded Islam
Who founded Christianity
Jesus Christ
Percentage of communication that is nonverbal is
How power is demonstrated nonverbally
Body language -- tall, strong, confident (Upperhand in handshakes)
Seven universal facial expressions
happy, sad, fear, contempt, surprise, anger, disgust