which type of development would be most involved in the growth of body and brain, sensory capacities, motor skills, and health?
physical development
Studies on the "wild boy of aveyron"hoped to investigate and find -are the qualities, behaviors, and ideas that define each human acquired, inborn, or both -is social contact important to child development - can the lack of social contact be overcome -all of the above
all of the above
a change in the number or amount or frequency behavioral characteristic would be referred to as a ____ change
becoming introspective and searching out meaning in life is characteristic of
late adulthood
a multigenerational kinship unit consisting of parents, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins is called a
extended family
socio-economic status is determined by all of the following except -ethnicity -income -education -occupation
all of the following may be considered inderect effects of poverty except -parents emotional state -home enviornments -presence of models for young people -breakdown of nuclear family
breakdown of the nuclear family
an event that is experienced in a similar way by most people in a group is called a ___ influence
non-normative life events are
unusual events that influence a persons life
your cohort would include your
a specific time when a given event, or the absence of that event, has the greatest impact on development is called a ___ period
a concept or practice that may appear natural and obvious to those who accept it, but that in reality is an invention of a particular culture or society.
social construction
cohort differences are primarily due to
experiences affecting a generation
a condition that would increase the likelihood of a negative outcome is a description of what?
risk factors
the unfolding of a natural sequence of physical changes and behavior patterns describes
the existence of adolescence as a part of the lifespan in many industrialized societies is an example of
social construction
According to your text, which of the following is NOT one of the major divisions of the life span? -prenatal -infancy and toddlerhood -late adulthood -senescence
___ interacts with cognitive, personality, and social development at all ages.
physical development
which of the following statements about heredity and enviornmental influences on development is TRUE?
internal and external influences interact and often cannot be separated
which of the following words BEST describes the focus of the study of human development -Change -childhood -infancy -relationships
which of the following is a normative age-graded influence -puberty&menopause -war -winning the lottery -famine
puberty and menopause
change and stability in mental abilities, such as learning, memory, language, thinking, reasoning,etc. would constitute which type of development?
the age range of approximately 6-11 yrs refers to which period of development
middle childhood
which type of development is most involved in the growth of the body and brain, sensory capacities, motor skills, and health
enviornmental and experiential factors that help define individual differences in development include all of the following except -genetic inheritance -socioeconomic status -ethnicity -historical events
genetic inheritance
meghan recorded events in the lives of her sons joseph and jacob such as their first words, first step, and the events of puberty. these events are examples of the process of
normative history graded influences include all of the following except -worldwide economic depression -introduction of the contraceptive pill -AIDS epidemic -death of a spouse
death of a spouse
industrialization and the move to more populated areas are both cited as reasons for the decline in the
extended family
A child born today in iraq will have different ecperiences than children born in the united states or mexico. these experiences will affect the course of development for these children because each child develops within a unique?
social and historical context
during which developmental period do most people finish their formal education, become independent, and start families and careers?
young adulthood
Marcus is 14 months old and having great difficulty when left with the babysitter. his seperation anxiety is an example of interaction between which two types of development?
intellectual and social
despite being identified as a "low risk"group, children of affluent families suffer a high rate of -depression -anxiety -substance abuse -all of these
all of these
what is an example of members of the same cohort
a high school student in Bingham, NY, and a high school student in Elmira, NY
who was one of the first psychologists to become interested in the study of aging; publishing the book "senescence: the last half of life"at the age of 78
G. Stanley Hall
Dr. Gaipo is a psychologist whose research focus is on genetic strengths and weaknesses to explain development. in his work he emphasizes
the periods of th human life cycle are produced by
the interaction of biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes
Meghan recorded events such as first word, the first step, and the events of puberty in her sons joseph and andrew. these landmarks in human development are referred to as
sandros ethnic identity is
a personal and deliberate decision
one of the purposes in designing cross-cultural research projects is to
identify cultural influences on development
in the oakland growth study, the longitudinal study of social and emotional development of urban youth during the great depression
adolescent children tended to show development difficulties
learning a second language seems to have a ___ period, just like learning a first language does
Marlane is large for her age and does not have many friends. this is an example of interaction between which two types of development
physical and social
events like starting school that occur at about the same age for people the world over are called
normative age-graded influences
human development focuses primarily upon the first 5 yrs of life bc this is the time for most change true or false
the goals of the developmental research include description, explanation, prediction, and intervention of behavior true or false
the human development uses information from medicine, sociology, and anthropology to explain behavior true or false
the chippewa indians have only two periods of childhood, whereas other cultures have more true or false
the view that humans have eight periods of the life span is a social construction true or false
all societies recognize differences in the ways people of different ages think, feel, and act true or false
most people have dementia and require nursing home care in late adulthood true or false
socioeconomic status limits peoples choices of where to live true or false
most immigrants have some acculturation to the new society true or false
biological events such as puberty and menopause are nonnormative events true or false
loss of a spouse early in a persons 30s is a nonnormative event true or false
the concept of critical periods is more controversial when applied to cognitive and psychosocial development than to physical development true or false
the study of attachment and development of friendship is an example of cognitive development true or false
many abilities such as mempry, strength, and endurance, can be significantly improved with training and practice, even late in life true or false
broad dimensions of personality, such as conscientiousness and openness to new experience, are fixed in early childhood true or false
historically, the nuclear family was the dominant form of family structure in the united states and other western industrial societies true or false
maturation varies in persons, but averages provide ways to measure what are typical times for development to occur true or false
poor children are at lower risk than wealthy children to have emotional or behavioral problems true or false
children from higher SES families have lower rates of substance abuse, anxiety, and depression than children from lower SES families true or false
Dr. nunez wants to know what child might be at risk for problem behvaiors so he can put the child in a special program. he is demonstrating the goal of:
Dr. george studies how much children grow when they sleep. this is an example of ___ domain
life-span studies in the united states grew out of studies:
designed to follow children through adulthood
A person in young adulthood would be likely to have the developmental task of:
finding a partner and starting a family
paul baltes is best known for
the life-span developmental approach
one important characteristic of development is plasticity, which refers to
modifiability of performance
damage in children due to prenatal alcohol exposure is an example of
critical periods
research on memory and learning in older persons is looking at the ___ domain
study of inborn traits is looking at
the study of temperament falls in the __ domain
psychosocial development
the western world generally divides the lifespan into __ periods
the search for identity typically occurs in
in middle adulthood a person is most likely to
launch adult children,care for elderly parents, and find new challenges
in late adulthood most people are
retired or planning to retire
the search for meaning in life assumes central importance in
late adulthood
jessica is 10, in school, and lives at home. this is an example of __ development
a two-generational household unit consisting of parents and children is
a nuclear family
the kinds of homes and neighborhoods people live in, as well as the quality of medical care, and other opportunities available to them are examples of:
factors associated with socioeconomic status
the story of genie is an example of
critical periods
which of the following statements is FALSE concerning culture? -culture is unchanging -culture includes artwork and tools -culture includes tradition
culture is unchanging
which of the following characteristics of development is NOT one of the characteristics of life-span development, according to Baltes -lifelong -multidimensional -nonmodifiable -multidirectional
Was the precursor of the organismic model
John Jack Russo
have more support in scientific terms than laws
is a controlled procedure in which an experimenter controls the independent variable to determine its effect on the dependent variable.
consists of people who are similar to the experimental group but do not receive the experimental treatment or may receive a different treatment.
Control group
study seeks to describe the pattern of relationships, customs, beliefs, technology, arts, and traditions that make up a society's ways of life.
consent freely given with full knowledge of what the research entails.
was a perspective presented by E.O. Wilson and influenced by Darwin's theory of eveolution and focused on adaptiveness, or survival value, or behavior.
Evolutionaly socialbiological perspective
is the actual name for fMRI
Functional Magnectic Regional Imaging
a type of study that seeks to determine whether a statistical relationship exists between variables.
is the time in which people live.
Historical context
proposed a critical period for language acquisition beginning in early infancy and ending around puberty in 1967.
Aaron Lindenberg
that people can gain in one are of development and may lose in another, sometimes at the same time, demonstrates this characteristic of development
focuses on the scientific study of the systematic processes of change and stability in people.
Human development