An example of a fine motor skill is:
The prefrontal cortex is involved in:
planning, reasoning, and anticipating.
Which of the following is part of the limbic system?
Janet believes that her brother Rubin would turn into a girl if he were to put on a dress. In this way, she is demonstrating:
focus on appearence
After noticing her 4-year-old brother having difficulty with a jigsaw puzzle, Rose helped him with the task by praising his successes and helping him recognize progress. From Vygotsky's perspective, this as an example of:
guided participation
Which of the following is a term associated with Vygotsky's approach to cognitive development?
The process by which children develop an interconnected set of categories for words is called:
Overregularization demonstrates a child's understanding of:
The term _____ refers to a person who is fluent in two languages, not favoring one over the other.
balanced bilingual
A key finding from research on early-childhood education programs is that:
quality matters most
Which child-centered approach to early-childhood education places the MOST emphasis on individual differences, neither requiring children to engage in prescribed learning activities nor using any large-group instruction?
The goal of teacher-directed early-education programs is to:
make all children "ready to learn."
An example of a gross motor skill is:
Which of the following statements about left-handedness is TRUE?
Although a genetic preference, left-handedness can be modified by experience.
Which of the following is a central processor of memory, especially for locations?
Which characteristic of preoperational thought involves a child's assumption that the visible characteristics of an individual represents their true essence or nature?
focus on appearance
Vygotsky's term for the skills that a person can experience only with assistance and not yet independently is:
zone of proximal development
Which Vygotsky term refers to temporary support that is tailored to a learner's needs and abilities and is aimed at helping him or her master a new skill?
A young child who states that "butter is made by butterflies" and "birds grow birdseed" is trying to use:
logical extension
The practical use of language, which includes adjusting communication according to one's audience and the context in which it occurs, is called:
In 2011 in the United States, _____ percent of children entering kindergarten spoke a language other than English at home.
The results of a 2006 study of 5-year-olds in inner-city Milwaukee revealed that, compared with other children, children exposed to a Montessori program:
were better at prereading and early math tasks.
Montessori schools emphasize:
individual pride and accomplishment
In the United States, the MOST widespread early-childhood education program is:
Head Start
An undeveloped prefrontal cortex is partially responsible for _____ in young children.
temper tantrums
Which of the following is crucial for the expression and regulation of emotions
limbic system
The _____ is the brain structure that registers emotions, both positive and negative, especially fear.
.An experimenter who begins with two equal balls of clay and then changes the shape of one is likely testing for conservation of
Vygotsky's term for the skills that a person can experience only with assistance and not yet independently is:
zone of proximal development
As a hobby, Jessica and her husband work on car engines. Jessica doesn't always know what a particular part is, but she gets the general idea of what it does and usually places it in an appropriate mental category. This is an example of:
The practical use of language, which includes adjusting communication according to one's audience and the context in which it occurs, is called:
Child-centered programs stress children's development and growth through:
Child-centered programs recognize that children learn through play with other children. This is MOST consistent with the views of: