Parties after the Civil War
South was democratic
North was republican, ruling party.
Freedmen's Bureau*
To provide food, clothing, and medicine to ex-slaves. Was disliked by Andrew Johnson.
President Andrew Johnson*
From Tennessee, Vice President of Lincoln, advocated states rights
10% Reconstruction Plan*
Lincoln's plan to allowed states back into statehood if 10% of people who voted in 1860 to swear their allegiance
South was treated as a*
conquered province
Black Codes*
Stable labor force in the south, laws against vagrancy, and black men could not testify against whites.
Johnson vetoed the
Freedman's Bureau
Civil Rights Bill of 1866
lead to the 14th amendment
Military Reconstruction
south divided into 5 districts. MARTIAL LAW: ran by military
Tenure of Office Act
Congress passed this, making it so presidents couldn't remove a senate-approved appointee without consent
attempted impeachment
house passed with yes, senate with no for johnson's impeachment
Fifteenth Amendment
black male suffrage, loop-holes: poll tax, literary test
General Ulysses S. Grant*
most popular figure after Civil war, known was persiding over a corrupt gov
Election of 1868
Republican nom: Grant*
Democratic nom: Seymore
214-80 electoral vote
"Waving the bloody shirt"*
supporters of Grant said this to remind voters of treason by confed.
Jim Fisk & Jay Gould (Grant)
railroad men who persuaded Grant to stop treasury from selling gold, price went up and they flooded the market
Tweed Ring Scandal (Grant)
William "Boss" Tweed in NY, had power to get people elected in positions. Made an esti. 200 mil at expense of NYC. Exposed by cartoonist Thomas Nast
Credit Mobiler (Grant)*
1872, railroad construction kickbacks. Gov had to give out land grants
Election of 1872
Grant as rep. nom. and Horris Greeley as democratic nom. Grant wins for second term.
Panic of 1873*
economic downfall, more factories built than the market could bare. 15,000 american businesses went bankrupt
The "Forgettable Presidents"*
Gilded Age, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Harrison
(Cleveland falls in this time, but is not a FP.)
Republican splits parties
Half breeds, mugwamps, Stalwarts faction
Spoils System
giving biased political positions
Election of 1876
Republican: Hayes
Demo: Tilden
Compromise of 1877*
unwritten deal that settled the intensely disputed 1876 U.S. presidential election, and ended Reconstruction in the South.
Election of 1880
Republican: Garfield
Demo: Hancock
Garfield Assassinated
by Charles Guiteau on Sept 19, 1881. Arthur precedes him
Pendleton Act of 1883*
rid of the spoils system, set up the Civil Service Commission
Election of 1884*
Republican: Blaine
Democratic: Cleveland
known for it's personal attacks, Blaine lost the Catholic-Irish voters b/c of a rep. clergyman saying demo. party was a "rum, romanism, and rebellion."
First demo. president in 28 years
Election of 1888
Republican: Harrison
Demo: Cleveland
Harrison wins
Transcontinental Railroad
lay track out west, gov gave incentives for men to go.
"public be damned" when asked about the prices of the railways
Wabash Case*
individual states have no power to regulate interstate commerce
Interstate Commerce Commission created to enforce ICA
"Old Immigration"
Before 1880, Britain and W. Euro. They adapted better the American culture
"New Immigration"
After 1880, E. Euro. More communistic ways, tended to hold onto their countries customs
The Social Gospel
christianity should be applied to solve problems that manifested in slumsand factories
Settlement House Movement
James Addams and Lawrence Kelley, created homes/places to learn
Booker T. Washington*
believed key to political and civil rights for A. Amer. was through economic independance. Crated Tuskegee Institute, attented Hampton Institute
WEB Du Bois*
demanded complete equality for A. Amer. Attended Ivy school in euro. believed a talents 10th of Americans would lead other A. Amer. to full social/political equality w/ whites.
Henry George*
"Progress & Poverty" and outlined potential problems for the country. "unearned wealth from rising land values" meant that people got rich just by being there
Bureau of Indian Affairs
supplies meant to go out to the indians on reservations, but lots of it never made it
Nez Perce Indians*
lead by Chief Joseph, Oregon Territory
they willingly located, gold was discovered on their reservation, refused to move again, goaded to war, tried to escape to CA, caught and brought to KS
Apache Indians*
Chiefs Cochise and Gerinimo, AZ and NM territory.
Wounded Knee
Dakota Sioux Indians, white's didn't like their dance called "The Ghost Dance" that was for the buffalo to return and white peeps to vanish
Helen Hunt Jackson*
wrote a book about the mistreatment of Indians titled "A Century of Dishonor"
Dawes Severalty Act*
designed to promote indian assimulation into white culture, did away with tribes
Frontiers out west
1. Mining: 1st attraction, played vital role in attracting out west
2. Cattle: free ranged until inven. of barbed wire
3. Farming: permanent type, if good land was avail.
Homestead Act of 1862*
allowed a settler to acquire as much as 160 acres of land and stay on it for 5 years and improve it, pay $30
lots of land was dry and unworkable
Patrons of Husbandry (The Grange)
social/educational organization, to stimulate self-improvement throught those activities
Farmer's Alliance
late 1870's in Kansas, more political than grange
Populist Party*
was a short-lived political party in the United States established in 1891 Based among poor, white cotton farmers in the South
Populist Party speakers
Mary E. Lease, Sockless Jerry Simpson, Pitchfork Ben Tillman
Election of 1892
Demo: Cleveland, Rep: Harrison
Populist Party: James B. Weaver
Cleveland wins 2nd term
Pullman Strike* of 1894
workers refused to operate on Pullman cars, which threw off train schedules
RR owners got together and decided to attach mail cars to Pullman cars, which made it illegal for workers to not work on them
Election of 1896*
Republican: McKinley
Democratic: William J. Bryant
Markus Hanna supported McKinley, campaigned for him hard
271-176 vote count