The so-called "dumbbell tenement" was
flawed in design, exacerbating the already abysmal living conditions of the urban poor.
Mary Elizabeth Lease was
a prominent Kansas Populist noted for her rallying cry to "raise less corn and more hell."
During the administration of this Gilded Age president, the 51st Congress passed the McKinley Tariff, the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, and increased expenditures for the navy.
Benjamin Harrison
Which statement best describes Booker T. Washington's public approach to issues concerning the black community during this era?
Washington advocated the pursuit of economic grains through hard work and technical training for blacks as a step toward the attainment of social equality.
All the following statements describe various aspects of "new immigration" during the Gilded Age EXCEPT:
The so-called "new immigrants" quickly shed all their Old World traditions and customs to adopt an American way of life.
The Mugwumps broke with their party to endorse this presidential candidate.
Grover Cleveland
"Nativists" believed that
Immigrants threatened traditional American culture.
This social reformer was a major proponent of reform Darwinism.
Lester Frank Ward
The Mulligan letters tied former Speaker of the House James Blaine to
the bribes of rich railroad barons.
The Pendleton Act, passed during Grover Cleveland's first term
provided a merit system for national government jobs.
The Supreme Court's ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson was significant because
segregation was permitted on the basis of establishing "separate but equal" facilities.
Herbert Spencer
coined the phrase "survival of the fittest.
The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was significant in American immigration history because it
was the first federal law to restrict immigration on the basis of race.
The Padrone labor system was made illegal by the
Foran Act.
To resolve the highly contested presidential election of 1876, Republicans and Democrats agree to the Compromise of 1877 which included
the withdrawal of federal troops from former Confederate states.
______________ offered a strong critique of Booker T. Washington's approach to race relations and was a co-founder of the NAACP.
W.E.B. Dubis
What was the result of the 1895 Supreme Court case involving the E.C. Knight Company?
A sharp distinction was drawn between commerce and manufacturing.
All the following statements about the 1896 presidential election are correct EXCEPT:
At the heart of the election debate was the issue over currency standards.
All the following were major national issues during the Gilded Age EXCEPT:
Child Labor Legislation
In 1887, Congress passed the ____________, making railroads the first industry subjet to federal regulation.
Interstate Commerce Act
In 1890, Congress tried to restore competition by outlawing the restraint of interstate trade by corporate monopolies with the _________ Act.
Sherman Anti-trust
All the following statements describe aspects of the so-called "Gilded Age" EXCEPT:
The United States fell behind other industrialized nation in education, as women were continually denied access to American colleges.
Those who supported the free coinage of silver
were convinced it would help the agrarian sectors.
The Populist party's Omaha platform advocated for all the following EXCEPT:
a return to the gold standard
This American author co-wrote "The Gilded Age," which offered a scathing social and political critique of late nineteenth-century America.
Mark Twain