A Good Man is Hard to Find Character
the grandmotherBailey (son of ^ and father of fam)the misfitJohn Wesley & June Starthe motherred sammy buttsbobby leehiram
AGMIHTF crime band
the misfitbobby leehiram
AGMIHTF restaurant owner
red sammy butts
O'Connor Motifs
missing father figureviolent means to get message acrossaction of (divine) gracenotion of displacementracial tensionold vs. new southreligion
fearful of the wrath of God
acts good out of the goodness of their hearts
Flannery's stories are generally...
catholicand southern
grandma goes with family in car on vacayhides cat in carwears fancy lady clotheshears about criminal misfitstops at restaurantdrives & says she wants to stop at a house (lies to kids says secret panel)remembers wrong about house locationcat jumps up & car crashesmisfit finds them & kills them
Who did the Misfit kill first?
his father
Misfit compares himself to..
Jesusbc his punishment also didn't fit the crimeif J didn't raise the dead, then why not kill everyone to spend time
the misfit says that there is pleasure but
The Life You Save May be Your Own characters
Tom Shiftlet (handyman w 1 arm)old woman/mom- Lucynell Craterdaughter-Lucynell Crater (deaf & mute
Tom visits & offers to do tasks around the housemrs crater tries to get him to like her daughter/marrysleeps in broken down carteaches her to say birdrepairs carcrater gives him $ & car to marry her daughterthey leave in the cartom leaves her at a diner
recurring symbol in all stories
Tom can be compared to...
the misfit in AGMIHTFsame list of previous jobsdestructive stranger
How is Tom like other Flannery characters?
hypocrite-says he has a moral intelligence but leaves Lucynell at the restaurant after marryMisfit- same previous jobs & was a stranger that ruined somethingthinks of himself as Jesus yet denies his chance at redemption (marrying Lucy)hates the world
Good Country People Characters
Mrs. Hopewell (farm owner)Mr.
& Mrs. FreemanJoy Hopewell (daughter)Manely Pointer (bible salesman)
Joy Hopewell
changes name to Hulga in rebellion against momatheistlost her leg in childhood accident= protheticPh.D in philosophy (v smart)
GCP Summary
Hopewell runs a farm in Georgiabible salesman stops by & although they don't want bible, mrs hopewell invites him over to dinner bc he is good country peoplehe invites joy on a dategoes to barn loftsteals her prosthetic legreveals that he is also a better atheist
How is Joy a Flannery character?
hypocrite- not actually an atheist-- "you are not God!"she says she hates good country people but she makes out with Manely bc she thinks he is & a christian
Everything That Rises Must Converge characters
Julian- college grad, typewriter seller, wants to write, hates momJulian's MotherCarver- 4yr old boy on busCarvers momblack man- on busother white passengers on bus
ETRMC Summary
julian takes the bus with his mom to a weight loss class at the YMCA to reduce her blood pressureshe's really openly racist julian is embarrassed by his mom blatant racismshe talks with other racists on buswell dressed AA gets onjulian talks to him to spite momdreams biut forcing his mom to accept blacks AA woman w kid gets onmom thinks he's cutegives him coinmom hits herfalls/dies
How is Julian a Flannery character?
spites his momarrogant/entitled- views self as martyr racial tensiontoo smarthypocrite in his hatred for mom-tries to save her& calls her sweetheartold vs new south
Different opinions on true culture?
julian- it comes from the mindmom- the heartJ is only non-racist to spite his mom while she honestly doesn't know any betterwhen the heart and mind mix physically= stroke
The Lame Shall Enter First characters
Sheppard- father (atheist)Norton- his sonRufus Johnson- juvie kid (catholic)
TLSEF Summary
sheppard doesn't care about grief of son over mothers deaththinks of him as selfishS invites johnson to live with him to help turn his life around bc he thinks he is smart/specialbuys him a telescopeJ gets arrestednorton hangs self over telescope bc J told him the only way to see his mom was through death
How is Sheppard a Flannery character?
hypocrite- says wants to help people yet no his sonathiestcompares self to christrufus compares self to satan
Revelation characters
Ruby Turpin (wife)Claud turpin (husband)Mary Grace (crazy girl)pleasant lady in waiting room
R Summary
Ruby feels above white trash & black people bc she is hardworking and makes good decisionsR & husband go to doctors waiting roomstarts talking to pleasant womanmary grace through her book at Ruby and strangles her & calls her a hog from hellRuby gets the messagegoes home and washes off pigsshe has a vision of redeemed souls and people she considers worse than her are at the top while she's at the bottomall people are equal in gods eyes
Parker's Back summary
another athiest who hates his christian wifesmokes & drinks & tatoosflashback belowfinds life purpose in tatsgoes to Navy but is dischargedsells appleswoman hits him (his wife)end flashbackgets tat of christ after thinking about how he met his wifebegs wife to let him in but she hates the tattoobeats him with a broom again