Who said it?
Franklin D Roosevelt
who is he addressing?
president hoover, mr chief justice, and his friends
What does Roosevelt say about fear?
the only thing we have to fear is fear itself
What is frank honesty?
What are common difficulties they face?
taxes have risen, values have fallen, savings are gone, farmers have no markets etc.

What is the most important difficulty?
What is the only with we have to fear?
Fear itself
Allusion to Bible
Plague of locusts
Plenty at the doorstep
Faced by the failure of credit what have they proposed?
lending more money
What does the generate of self-seekers not have?
What is his greatest primary task?
To put people to work
Money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple.. is a
Biblical allusion
What does feasible mean?
When was this speech said?
during the Depression, March 4, 1933
What does arduous mean?
What does FDR humbly ask for at the end?
God's blessing
What disease did he get at age 39?
What does Roosevelt promise to speak?
The truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly
When do people perish?
When there is no vision
What goes hand in hand? (I doubt this will be asked but just in case...)
Recognition of the falsity of material wealth as the standard of success and the abandonment of the false belief that public office and high political position are to be valued only by the standards of pride of place and personal profit
What does our Nation ask for?
What is the way to recovery?
American spirit of the pioneer
I added what I could
What guides national recovery?
What kind of literary device is "move as trained and loyal army willing to sacrifice for the good of a common discipline"
What US document is alluded to?
What kinds of people deny the "dark realities" of today?
foolish optimists
What character trait is based on honesty, honor, obligations, protection, etc.?