Robertson Davies
Author of Fifth Business
Number of parts
Mrs. Dempster, I Am Born Again, My Fool-Saint, Gyges and King Candaules, Liesl, The Soirée of Illusions
Names of part in order
Dunstable, Dunstan, Dunny Ramsay
Names of narrator
Percy Boyd Staunton; Mrs. Dempster
Who throws the snowball? Who does it hit?
Religion of the Ramsays
Religion of the Dempsters
Headmaster of Colborne College; in response to a rather offensive summary of Dunny's life by Lorne Packer in the College Chronicle, the summary paints him as nothing more than an old school teacher; does not pay him the credit he deserves
Who is the narrator's intended audience? Why is he writing the letter?
Deptford; about 500
Name of village and population
1. Leola Cruikshank2. Denyse Hornick
Boy's wives in order

The tramp being changed as a man by Mrs. Dempster2. Mrs. Dempster brought Willie back from the dead3. Dunny sees Mrs.

Dempster's face in that of the Madonna on the battlefield where he was wounded

Three miracles in chronological order
2nd Canadian Division
Narrator's military division in WWI
Rank narrator achieved in the military
Where was the narrator stationed in Europe?
Diana Marfleet
Name of narrator's nurse in England
Victoria Cross
Name of award narrator won for his service in WWI
history; Colborne College
Dunny teaches _________ at ___________ ________
Term for narrator's life interest
A Hundred Saints for Travelers
Name of narrator's first book
Bertha Shanklin
Name of Mrs. Dempster's aunt
Orpheus Wettenhall
Name of Mrs. Dempster's aunt's lawyer
Edward David and Caroline Staunton
Names of Boy's children
Lorene Hornick
Name of Boy's stepdaughter
Padre Ignacio Blazon
Name of Dunny's Jesuit priest friend
Minister of Food
Boy's position in the government
Magnus Eisengrim; illusionist
Paul's new name and position
Faustina and Liesl (Liselotte Vitzlipützli)
Names of two women who work with Paul
Lieutenant Governor of Ontario
Boy was to be appointed to what post
his convertible was found in the Toronto harbour 20 feet from the pier; body in the driver's seat with the hands gripping the steering wheel tightly; small rock in his mouth; Paul hypnotized Boy to drive off into the water, put the stone in his mouth; stone was the stone Dunny kept all these years, the stone that struck Mrs. Dempster
Circumstances of Boy's death