1.adults have the need to know why they are learning something2.adults have…
PedagogyThe art and science of teaching childrenAndragogyThe art and science of teaching…
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english language skillshelping understand grammarreadinghelping reading comprehensionspellingquiz on spelling
UmbrellaWhat insurance policy would you purchase if you wanted to increase your…
adequateenough, sufficient. Adjectiveadministerto manage or direct; to give out as treatment or…
ArdentCharacterized by intense feeling; passionateCalculatedCarefully planned outCircumstanceExisting conditions affecting somethingConcietedHaving a favorable…
dialogueconversation between two or more people.consequenceThe reflect, result, or outcomeperspectiveA mental viewnotableworthy…
southside.passged.comCorrect web address for Ged Academypassged.comIncorrect web address for Ged Academy/Accounts &…
Three Conditions shaping sociocultural context and the learning need of adults.- Changing…
Modeis the value that occurs with the greatest frequency, can be used…
Things to Consider Regarding the Stages of Learning- Transitions between learning stages…
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